Chapter 8

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[This chapter is a little bit PG13]
{December 8, 2006}
Caroline's POV
It's our wedding day and I'm freaking out. I hope everything goes as planned. I stepped into my dress. I'm not wearing shoes because our wedding is on the beach. I have 10 minutes until I'm supposed to walk down the isle.
{10 minutes later}
They started playing the music as I started walking down the isle. My dad handed me off to Luke. We stood there holding hands as the preacher spoke. "Do you take Caroline, take Thomas......." "I do." "Do you Thomas, take Caroline......." "I do." "I now pronounce you husband and wife. Luke, you may kiss your bride." Luke and I kissed and everyone cheered. We walked to where our reception was and cut the cake. We ate our cake and had our presents sent back to our house. After we got done with everything we hopped on a plane and flew to Cancun for our honey moon. We got to the hotel and the first thing we did was get in the hot tub on our hotel patio/deck thing. After we stayed in there for about an hour we got out put our robes on and ordered room service. We ate and then I told Luke I was going to take a bath. "Luke I'm going to take a bath. I'll be out in a bit." "Okay."
Luke's POV
When Caroline went to take a bath, she put her waterproof headphones in and closed her eyes. She could here or see me so that was great I walked into the bathroom, got undressed and lit some candles. After I did that I crawled into the bath behind her to where she was laying on my chest. I sat up and started kissing her neck. She took her headphones out and turned around she started kissing me and it got heated pretty quick. "Why don't we take this to the bedroom?" She said. "Okay. Let's go." She stood up and grabbed us some towels. We dried off and I picked her up bridal style and carried her to the bed. We crawled under the covers and started making out. "Are you sure Caroline? We don't have to." "Yes I'm sure."
{a certain amount of time later}
I rolled of of her and layed down beside her breathing heavy. "Luke that was great. I love you." "Yes it was. I love you to." We snuggled up and went to sleep.

{A year later}
Luke just released his new single called "All My Friends Say". We've been doing great. Tonight we are going to visit Carter and Bailey. I hopped in the shower, got out and blow dryer my hair. After I was done Luke got in the shower. He got out and got dressed and we headed over to Carter and Bailey's. They recently bought a house about a mile down the road from ours. Carter is Luke's guitarist now. We decided to go to a restaurant and eat.
{9:50 pm}
We just got back from eating with Bailey and Carter. I washed my make up off and crawled in bed with Luke and we drifted off to sleep.
{7:30 am}
I woke up to Luke talking on the phone with someone and he was crying. I jumped out of bed and ran over to him. "Okay mama see you in a few hours." He said as he hung up and sat the phone down. "Caroline, Kelly passed away early this morning from an unknown cause." "Oh Luke I'm so sorry. I wonder how Jordan, Kris and Til are taking it." "I don't know. We need to pack some clothes so we can go down to Georgia." "Okay." I went and packed some clothes for Luke and I and we headed to Leesburg.
{2 months later}
We made it through Kelly's funeral, the kids came and stayed with us for a little bit because Lee had to work the next week. Today is Luke's birthday, and I have a special night in mind for him. I took him out to eat and we came home. I ran a bath for him and I and lit some candles. "Luke go get in the bath tub. I'll be down stairs if you need anything." "Aww man I was hoping you were gonna take a bath with me. To save water you know." "Nope. Go get in the bath." What he didn't know is I was actually going to take a bath with him I was just gonna surprise him. He got in the bath and a few minutes later I walked in and dropped my robe. His eyes got real big as I sat down in his lap. "I thought.." "Shhh." I said as I kissed him. "Can we take this to our bed?" He asked. "Yes we can let's go."
{30 minutes later}
We got finished and she layed down beside me. "Happy Birthday Luke. I love you babe." "Thank you. I love you to." We both fell asleep listening to each other's heartbeats.

{1 week later}
Caroline's POV
I woke up and ran to the bathroom. My stomach didn't feel so good and I was puking. I guess Luke heard me because he came rushing into the bathroom, holding back my hair. "Babe are you okay!? What's wrong!?" "I don't feel so good. Luke. I think. I may. Be pregnant." "Well get dressed and we will go get a pregnancy test." "Okay." I said as I got up and went to get dressed. We went and got in Luke's truck and drove into town. We drove to the nearest Walgreens and got some tests. We went back home and we waited until the timer went off. After waiting for 3 minutes the timer went off. I picked up the test and looked at it. It said............

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