Chapter 9

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Luke was standing by me as I held up the test and read it. It said 'positive'. "Luke, I'm pregnant!" "Yay! That's great! I love you!" "I love you to!" "Schedule a doctors appointment for tomorrow so I can go with you. I'll take off." "Okay! Go call your mama and I'll call mine!" We called our parents and told them, then we called Bailey and Carter they were really excited and happy for us. I can't believe Luke and I are going to be parents this is the greatest feeling in the world.
{the next day}
Luke and I pulled into the parking lot at the doctors office and went in. I signed my name and we waited in the waiting room. 10 minutes later they called me back. "Caroline Bryan." The nurse said as we stood up and followed her. She took my temp and everything and said, "The doctor will be in shortly". "Okay thank you." I said as she walked out. 5 minutes later there was a knock at the door. "Come in." "Hello Caroline, I'm Dr. Johnson. How are you?" "Good. I took a pregnancy test yesterday and it said positive so I'm here for a visit." "Okay." She said as she put the gel on my stomach and moved the thing around. "See that little bean right there is your baby Mrs. Bryan." "Luke look that's our baby." "Wow. Yes it is. That's amazing. I love you." He said as he kissed my forehead. "I love you to." She cleaned off my belly and gave us a date for another appointment. After that we left and went home. On our way to the house Luke and I were talking. "Luke what do you think we will have?" "I hope we have a boy, but I will be just as happy if we have a girl." "I hope we have a girl, but I'll be happy either way." We arrived at the house and went inside, we ordered pizza to be delivered and watched tv. At around 11:20 we went to bed.

{9 months later}
Luke's POV
Caroline is due any day now. It's March 17th. I have a feeling that she is going to go into labor either tomorrow or the next day. Mine and Caroline's parents are coming up today, just in case she has the baby. We are having a baby boy and we are naming him Thomas Boyer Bryan. I'm so excited! I'll have a fishing buddy now! Right now Caroline and I are making diner because our parents are about to leave their hotels. We finished up the dinner when the doorbell rang. "I'll get." Caroline said as she walked to the door. Caroline's POV
"Caroline, honey how are you?", mama LeClaire asked. "I'm good tired, but good." "Well that's great!" She bent down and rubbed my stomach. "Bo, you better come soon, Mawmaw wants to see her grandson." I laughed as she walked to talk to Luke. I said hi to everyone else, and we walked to the dining room to sit down. Luke put all of the food in the table, we blessed the food and then ate. It was around 8:30 when our parents went back to their hotels. Caroline went and took a shower while I was doing the dishes. After she got out I went to take a quick one. I got dressed, and went to rub her feet for her. Once I got done I crawled in bed next to her and we fell asleep.
{6:55 am}
Caroline's POV
I woke up to my water breaking. "Luke." I said as I nudged him. Nothing. "Luke!!" I said louder. Still nothing. "Thomas Luther Bryan wake your ass up!" "What do you need!?" "My water just broke! I need you to take me to the hospital!" Luckily we already had mine, and the baby's bag packed. He jumped up and put some sweats and a t-shirt on, while I did the same. We put our shoes on and then walked to the truck. I called my parents as Luke called his. We arrived at the hospital and we walked in. "My wife's water just broke!" "Okay sir. Let me get a wheel chair and I'll take her to a room." Within a minute she had a wheelchair and wheeled me into my room. She helped me in bed and called my doctor.
{5 hours later}
Luke's POV
Around 11:20 Thomas Boyer Bryan was born. He weighed 6lbs and 14oz. He was born on March 18, 2008. "Aww he's so cute." Caroline said. "Yes he is. Just like you." I said as I kissed Bo's forehead, and then kissing Caroline's. About an hour after Bo was born our parents came back to the room, so did Lee, Jordan, Kris, Til, Bailey, and Carter.
{2 days later}
Caroline's POV
We finally get to go home today. Luke has been a big help and so have our parents. They went and bought tons of diapers and wipes. Bailey and Carter went to buy clothes, even though we have some, but I mean a baby can't have to much clothes right? After we got settled in some of our other friends came by. After Bo fell asleep and Jason, Brittany, Blake and Miranda left, Luke and I were finally able to have some alone time. That consisted of snuggling up on the couch, with the baby monitor, watching tv, and taking a short nap.
{an hour later}
Luke's POV
I woke up when I heard Bo crying on the baby monitor. Caroline went to get up but I told her I would get him. I walked up the stairs and picked Bo up. I changed his diaper and he still wouldn't quit crying. "Caroline baby, I think he's hungry." I said while walking down the stairs, and over to the couch. Caroline took him from me and started feeding him. It was about 6:45 pm so I decided to make Caroline and I some food. I decided on steak, fried potatoes, and some carrots, with sweet tea. I cooked that up and when it was finished we sat down and ate. So far I've had to singles off the 'I'll Stay Me' album. I'm about to make 'Country Man' my 3rd single. I'm also working on my second album. So I'm pretty excited. Caroline doesn't know that I am though. "Hey babe. Guess what." "What honey?" "I'm making 'Country Man' my third single off this album, and I'm working on my second album already!" "Wow babe that's great!" "I know. I'm super happy!" "I'm happy for you too!" We finished up eating and I did the dishes. Caroline wanted to take a shower so I said that I would watch Bo for her. I got him to sleep and took him upstairs to our room. We moved his crib in there because it would be easier on us. I layed him down in his crib and went into the bathroom. I took of my clothes and hopped into the shower with her. I wrapped my arms round her waist and kissed her neck. "Ahh! Luke you scared me! Where's Bo!?" "I'm sorry I didn't mean to. Babe relax. He's asleep in his crib, in our room." "Okay. I'm gonna get out and get changed and feed him." "Babe, stay in here for a few more minutes. Pleeeeaaaassseee?" I whined. "Fine but only for 2 minutes. Okay?" "Okay." I said as I kissed her. We made out for a little bit until she got out. I stayed in and finished showering. I got out and got dressed. I walked into the bedroom and she was already asleep. I crawled in bed next to her and pulled her close. "I love you Caroline Cynthia Boyer Bryan." I said to her as I fell asleep.

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