Chapter 12

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{next morning}
Caroline's POV
Luke has a show tonight. I'm gonna take Bo to it so he can see Luke sing. It's 9:20 am right now. Luke is still sleeping and Bo is at LeClaire's. He stayed the night there last night. I got up and got in the shower. I washed my hair and my body. Then I shaved my legs and under arms. After I was done I got out, and brushed my teeth. I got dressed. It was going to be hot today so I changed into a pretty maroon and white chevron dress with my cowgirl boots. I put on some make up and curled my hair. By the time I got done it was around 10:15 am. Luke was just now waking up. "Good morning sleepy head." "Good morning." He said in a sleepy voice. "What time are we going to get Bo?" "Around 12. I have sound check at 4." "Okay." "I'm gonna hop in the shower real quick. Love you." He said coming over and kissing me. "Love you to."
{2:40 pm}
Luke's POV
We went and got Bo around lunch time. Mama said he did really good last night. So that's a plus. I have about an hour an a half before I have to go do sound check, so I decided to go show Caroline around the venue. We are at the tour bus right now. Mama's bringin the girls and Til to the show tonight. Caroline grabbed Bo and we walked out of the bus. I showed her around and then we went back to the bus.
{5:30 pm}
Luke's POV
I just finished sound check, and now I'm going to get ready so I can go do the M&G's. I gave Caroline some headphone things for Bo and a backstage pass for her.
Caroline's POV
Luke just finished the M&Gs and he's about to have to go on stage. He walked over to me. "Love you baby. Love you Bo." He said in his sweet southern accent. "Love you to baby." He walked onto the stage and started to sing.
{8:30 pm}
Luke's POV
I was about to start singing the last song which was Country Man, but before I did I went and got Bo and Caroline. I wrapped an arm around Caroline while she held Bo. I think he likes it when I sing he was smilin' real big. I kissed Caroline and then shouted "Thank yall. Have a goodnight!" as I walked off stage. They aww'd and then started screaming.
Caroline's POV
"Did I sing good?" "Yes you did babe." I said while kissing Bo on the cheek. "Do I not get a kiss for singing good?" He asked. I kissed him on the cheek and walked off to Luke's dressing room. "Uh. That was a Bo kiss. Not a Luke kiss. A Luke kiss is when you kiss me on the lips in case you have forgotten." He pouted. "Nope I haven't forgotten." I said looking at him laughing. "Fine then." He said walking off and going to his bus. I was waiting on him to come back but he didn't. So I went over to LeClaire and asked her if she would watch Bo for a minute and she said yes. I handed Bo over to her and started walking to the bus. "Thomas Luther are you still pouting?" I said. I didn't get an answer. I walked back to the bunks. It was pitch black in the bus. "Luke? Where are you?" Still no reply, so I walked back to the "hangout area" at the back of the bus. "Thomas Luther Bryan get your ass out of hiding right now." He didn't come out. I was making my way back to the front of the bus when Luke popped out and scared me. "Ahhh!!" I screamed and ran for the door. I ran out of the bus and back to the stage. As I was running I heard Luke yell laughing, "Caroline baby it's just me!" "Luke you ass! I'll get you back!" I said while taking off running for him. He ran back tot he bus. I got close enough to him that I just jumped on his back. "Hah. Maybe you should try running faster, babe." "Where's Bo?" "I left him with your mama." "Okay. Tomorrow is my last show. It's in Atlanta, Georgia. Do you wanna come?" "Yeah sure. When will you be back in Nashville?" "I'll ride the bus back with the guys. So I'll be back Friday morning." "Okay. Bo and I will fly out Friday morning around 5." "Okay." "Will you run me and Bo back to the hotel? I'm pretty tired." "Yeah. Let me tell the guys."
{10:25 pm}
We've been back at the hotel for about an hour now. Luke is gonna stay with us tonight. I gave Bo a bath and put him in his pjs, and fed him. Luke and I were watching tv as I rocked Bo to sleep. I put him to bed. After that I changed and went back to where Luke was. "Luke I'm going to bed. Love you." "Watch tv with me for a little bit? Please?" "Okay. Fine. I may fall asleep though." I walked over to him and layed down on the couch, I put my head on his chest and watched tv. After about 10 minutes I slowly started to drift off to sleep."
Luke's POV
I looked down and saw that Caroline was asleep. I picked her up bridal style and carried her to the bed. I changed into my pjs and crawled into bed with her. I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her close. "Goodnight babe I love you." I said as I closed my eyes and began to fall asleep.

A/N again sorry it isn't that long! I've been very busy with school! I'll definitely update tomorrow! I'll try to update twice tomorrow!

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