Chapter 10

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{4 months later}
Caroline's POV
Luke's been going and singing with Kenny Chesney at some stadium shows, and singing with Trace Adkins, and Dierks Bentley on tour. Bo and I have went to about two stadium shows, and went to about 4 tour shows to see Luke perform. Luke is away right now and I'm at home with Bo. Luke is singing at a show in Georgia tomorrow night so No and I are going to fly out there late tonight and Luke will come get us from the airport. I'm packing our clothes right now because Bo is asleep we are staying for a week so we can spend time with Luke's family. Luke will be in Georgia for 4 days. Our flight leaves at 10:30 pm tonight. We will get to Leesburg around 11:45 pm. I finished packing up our stuff and then called Miranda. "Hey Ran can you come watch Bo Bo so I can take a shower? Please?" "Yes! I'll be over in 10." "Okay thanks!" "No problem." She said as we hung up. While she was on her way over I gave Bo a bath. She walked in as soon as I finished getting him dressed. "If he's hungry there's a package of milk in the freezer just heat it up and pour it in the bottle." "Okay. Will do. Hey Bo Bo!" She said as she walked over picking him up so I could go take a shower. I went upstairs and went to the bathroom. I got in the shower and washed my hair and my body. I shaved my legs and under arms and turned off the water. I got out and dried off. I went to the bedroom and got dressed. I'm wearing some black leggings with my riding boots and a maroon oversized long sleeve shirt. I added a tan scarf. I blow dried my hair and straightened it. After I was ready I got mine and Bo's bags and walked down stairs. It was now around 10:15. "Thank you so much Ran!" I said as I walked over to her and hugged her. "No problem Carol!" I laughed at the nickname she gave me. "Well we better get to the airport!" "I can drive you if you want. So you don't have to worry about your truck getting broken into." "Okay. Thanks Miranda! You are too sweet!" "You're welcome!" I put Bo in his car seat and buckled him in. I walked over and got our bags and took them out to Miranda's truck. I walked back in and got my purse and Bo. I made sure to get the car seat base out of my truck so I could have it in Ran's truck, the plane, and down in Georgia. We hopped in her truck and headed to the airport. We got to the airport and I said goodbye to Miranda. "Bye Miranda! I'll text you!" "Bye! Bye Bo Bo." She said while touching his foot. I walked into the airport and got everything situated. Then I walked over to the seats and sat down.
{1 hour later}
They called are flight and I handed them the tickets. We walked to the plane and found are seats. I put the carry on below my feet so I could have it just in case Bo got hungry.
{1 hour and 10 minutes later}
We finally landed and I walked off the plane. Luke was already supposed to be here waiting but he wasn't, so I called him. He didn't answer. I called him again. Still no answer. I sat down and waited to see if he would show up.
{30 minutes later}
Luke still hasn't shown up so I guess I'm gonna call LeClaire. "Hello?" "Hey LeClaire it's Caroline." "Hi Caroline. How are you? I can't wait to see you guys!" "I'm good. Is there any possible way you could come get me and Bo from the airport? Luke didn't show up." "That boy. Yes I'll be right there Hun." "Okay. Thanks." "You're welcome."
{15 minutes later}
LeClaire showed up and she took me to the hotel that me and Bo were staying at. Luke was gonna stay with us to. We arrived at the hotel and I got out. "I see you in a the morning Caroline I'll come and get yall so we can go eat." "Okay. Bye." "Bye. See ya later Bo Bo." I went into the hotel and checked in. I got the room keys and went to the elevator. We got to our floor and I walked to the room. I sat Bo down and took our bags to the bedroom. I went to Bo and got him out of his car seat. "Bo Bo, you want to call daddy?" I picked up my phone and called Luke. Still no answer. I was getting pissed off now. I texted him.
To Luke😘😛💘:
I'm at the hotel room, 357, 3rd floor. Stop and get your room key from the desk.
Read 11:59.
It just showed me that he read my message but he won't answer my call. Okay, now I was beyond pissed. I fed and burped Bo. I sat him on the bed with pillows around him so he wouldn't fall off, while I opened up his play pen. This play pen was a really soft and comfortable one. I rocked him to sleep and layed him down in it. I changed into my pjs and layed down. Luke has no clue how pissed I am right now.
{1:10 am}
I heard the door open, so I got up. To my surprise Luke finally walked through the door. "Where the hell have you been!?" I shouted/whispered. "I was watching the game on the bus." "Watching the game my ass." "Babe, I was." "Don't call me babe. Luke you didn't freakin come and get me and Bo at the airport. So I had to call your mom to come and get us. She was not very happy with you. I called you too and you didn't answer! Like seriously what the hell is wrong with you." "I'm sorry. I forgot. I'm so sorry." "How could you forget about your wife and son!?" "Your sleeping in the other bedroom. Good night Luke." I said angrily. I walked back to the bedroom and shut the door, quietly because I didn't want to wake Bo up. I crawled into bed and tried to fall asleep. It felt so weird not having Luke beside me especially when he was in the same building as I was. I finally drifted off to sleep. Around 4:30 am I felt the bed dip and someone wrapping their arms around me. The strong arms felt familiar. It was Luke. "Luke get out of this bed now." "Please Caroline. I missed you. I'm so sorry. Baby please." Luke said. "No. Sorry doesn't cut it and don't call me baby. Luke I'm pissed now get out of the bed right now." "Fine." He said as he got up and walked out of the room slamming the door. What the hell. Bo started crying so I went and picked him up. "Shh. Shh. I'm sorry. Shh." I said while bouncing him a little and patting his butt so he would eventually fall back asleep. I layed him back down and walked out of the room. "Luke what the hell. You woke up Bo. Why the hell would you slam the door!?" "Caroline leave me the hell alone." "Luke what has gotten into you?" "I said leave me alone!" He yelled while getting up and walking out the hotel room door. Again slamming it. I silently began to cry. He's never acted like this before. I don't get it. I walked back into the bedroom so I could try to get some more sleep.
{7:45 am}
I eventually fell asleep. LeClaire was coming to get me and Bo so we could go eat breakfast with her. I got Bo and I dressed. LeClaire called me and told me that she was down in the lobby, so I put Bo in the car seat, buckled him up and made my way to the lobby. We went and ate breakfast at a local diner and then LeClaire took me back to the hotel. I decided to go to the indoor pool with Bo. I got myself and Bo dressed for the pool. I was getting the towels ready when Luke walked in. I didn't have my cover over my swim suit yet. Luke stopped and stared at me.
Luke's POV
Damn, Caroline looked hot in that swimsuit. I just stopped and looked at her. "What Luke?" She said rudely. "Nothing. You just look. You look amazing in that swim suit." "If you will excuse me Bo and I are going to the indoor pool." She said while walking out the door. I feel like a total jackass now. I don't know why I did that to her. I feel horrible. I've got to fix this. I changed into my swimmin shorts and went to the indoor pool. I walked over to Caroline. She was sitting in the shallow end, holding Bo, playing with him. I sat down beside them. "Caroline can we talk?" "About what Luke? How you forgot about me and Bo?" "Caroline I'm sorry. I was being a total jackass. I shouldn't have been watching the game. I'm so sorry. Caroline please forgive me. I love you and Bo past the stars." "Yes, I will forgive you. But don't ever do that again. " "I won't. I promise. I love you both to much." "We love you to." Right after she said that I kissed her. Passionately. "Tomorrow night I'm gonna have Mama or Kelly watch Bo so we can have a night to ourselves." "Luke I've never left him with someone all night long. What if he cries?" She said looking at me. "He will be fine. I promise." "Okay." We stayed for a little while longer and then we headed back up to the room. "Luke, I'm gonna give Bo a bath real quick and then I'm gonna take a shower." "Okay."
Caroline's POV
Luke helped me give Bo a bath and after that we got him dressed. "Luke, will you feed and get Bo to sleep while I take a shower?" "Yes."
{15 minutes later}
I washed my hair and washed my body I was about to get out but then Luke got in with me. "Caroline babe I love you so much." "I love you to. Is the door cracked that way we can hear Bo?" "Yes." He said while kissing me and wrapping his arms around me. I jumped up and wrapped my legs around him, kissing back. "Caroline can we take this to the other bedroom?" "Luke, Bo is here with us. Tomorrow maybe. If you're good." I said smirking. "Okay. Tomorrow then." "I said maybe." I said smirking again and winking. "Ughhhh. Baby." He said whining. "I love you." I said kissing him. "I'm going to get out and get in my pjs. Finish up showering and I'll be in bed." "Okay." I went and put my robe on very quickly and went and got the ice bucket. I filled it with cold water and went and dumped it on Luke. "CAROLINE I'M GONNA GET YOU!" "Luke shush! You're gonna wake Bo up!" I said then ran off. I crawled under the hotel bed in the other room so Luke couldn't find me. "Caroline!" Luke whisper/yelled. "I'm gonna kick your ass babe." He said. I tried to keep from laughing but I couldn't. "Caroline, I know you're in here. You can come out now." There was a silent pause. "Okay I'm just gonna go to sleep then." He said while shutting the door. I thought he was gone so I got out from under the bed. But I thought wrong. When I was about to walk out the door someone jumped out and grabbed me. It was Luke. He had my mouth covered because he knew I would scream. He uncovered my mouth and said, "Relax its just your sexy husband". "Luke you scared the shit out of me. Oh my gosh." I said while holding my chest. "Let's go to bed now." "Okay but I've got to change into my pjs." As we walked into the room I dropped my robe walking over to my suitcase. "Damn Caroline, are you trying to kill me or what?" "Nope. Not at all." I said winking. I changed and hopped into bed. Luke walked over and kissed Bo on the forehead, then he walked back over to the bed and crawled underneath the covers. "I love you babe. Goodnight." I leaned over to his ear and whispered, "Goodnight my sexy husband. I love you too." He just laughed. I rolled to my side, as Luke wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me close.

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