Chapter 6

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{Time Skip. 1 year.}
Caroline's POV
Luke recently graduated from college and we moved to Nashville. I transferred to a college there because I didn't want to leave Luke and he didn't want to leave me. We moved into an apartment, because we don't have a lot of money right now. I got a job waitressing at a little diner in downtown Nashville, and Luke has been talking with record labels. I'm so excited that he finally gets to pursue his dream. He's been thinking about this moment ever since he was a little boy. I was just getting off work when Luke called.
*Phone call*
"Hello?" "Hey babe guess what!" "What!?" "I got signed!!!" "What?" "I got signed with a record label!" "Wow Luke that's great news! Wow. I'm so happy for you!" "We are going to celebrate tonight! I'm gonna call mama and Carter!" "Okay! I'll call Bailey!" *End of phone call*
Wow this is such great news! Yay! I'm so happy for Luke! I called Bailey right after I hung up with Luke and told her everything. I pulled into the parking lot and went into the are apartment. I showered really quick, after I was done I shut off the water and got out. Once I got finished changing I went down stairs and Luke was walking through the door. "Babe! I'm so happy for you! This is amazing! Yay!" I said as I hugged him. "Thanks babe! I love you! Me, you, Bailey, and Carter are going to celebrate tonight! We are gonna go eat and then go to the bar." "Okay. Go shower and get dressed!" I said as I slapped his butt.
{1 hour later}
We arrived at the restaurant, and got seated. "Think I'm gonna get a steak and a baked potato." Luke said. "I think I may get that to." We all decided on what we wanted and told the waiter. He brought our food out to us 10 minutes later. We ate, paid for our meal and left a tip. Next stop was the bar. We got a cab because we knew we were gonna get drunk. The cab driver pulled up at the bar, and we got out and went in. Luke's learned that whisky makes me frisky. So every time we come to a bar, after I've had a few beers, Luke orders me whiskey cause he knows that I'll drink it any way. He ordered me a beer and we started dancing to the songs that were being played. I finished my first beer so I went to get another.
{30 minutes later}
Luke's POV
I'm so happy that I got signed! If it wasn't for the man upstairs I wouldn't be here. Caroline's had a few beers and you could tell she was starting to get buzzed. Tonight we were celebrating so why not buy her a shot of whiskey?😏 I grabbed Caroline's arm and we walked over to the bar. "I need 2 shots of whiskey please." I said to the bartender. "Here you go sir." "Thanks." "Here babe." "Luke, you know whiskey makes me frisky." "Just take it." Within the next 30 minutes she downed 4 shots of whiskey. Her, Carter and Bailey were definitely drunk, and I could feel a buzz coming on too. By the end of the night Caroline, Bailey, and Carter were all drunk. I didn't drink as much as them because I wanted to make sure we all got home safely. I waved over a cab and we all got in. Carter and Bailey came back to our apartment with us. I opened the apartment door and we all walked in. Carter and Bailey walked to the guest bed room and got ready for bed. I helped Caroline change after I did and we crawled in bed. "Goodnight Caroline. I love you." "Goodnight Luke. I love you to." She said as she kissed me. It got heated real quick so I pulled away, because I know if I didn't, she would try to take it further. She's drunk, and I wouldn't do that to her. I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her close as we drifted off to sleep.
{10:30 am}
Caroline's POV
I woke up to my head pounding. I rolled over expecting Luke to be in bed but he wasn't, instead there was a note, an aspirin, and a water bottle. I opened the note and read it.
My beautiful girlfriend,
I went to get coffee and some breakfast. I'll be back in a bit. Here's some aspirin and water, because I know you probably have the worst headache ever right now. Love you.
He's so sweet. I took the medicine and went to take a shower. I got out, got dressed and headed down stairs. Bailey, Carter, and Luke were all sitting at the table about to eat. "Good morning babe. How do you feel?" "Better. I had a horrible headache. Thank you so much." I said while walking over to him, giving him a kiss, and sitting in his lap. We ate our breakfast and said goodbye to Carter and Bailey. "Hey babe, I'm gonna take you on a date tonight pick out something really cute to wear. We will leave around 6:15. Okay?" "Luke you don't have to take me on a date tonight." "But I want to." "Okay. Whatever you say."
Luke's POV
While I was gone I was not just getting breakfast I was setting up for our date tonight. I bought a farm house without her knowing so I was gonna take her to it with a chef to make our food. I strung up lights in the backyard above where the table was gonna be. I was really excited but nervous at the same time.

{6:15 pm}
Luke's POV
We are on our way to the farm house, and I'm hoping everything works out. I'm so nervous. When we got to the farmhouse I told her to go upstairs and watch tv, and to not come outside. As she was watching tv I did a few last minute things. I put the table and chairs in place, and started decorating it, that is until I realized I forgot the flowers so I hopped in my truck and drove down the road to pick some wild flowers. I got back and put down wine glasses, silverware, and plates. I put the jar of flowers in the center of the table. Everything was set. It's go time. I pulled out my phone and called her. "Caroline, will you come out back?" "Yes, Luke what's going on?" "Nothing just come out back." She opened the door and smiled widely. She was wearing a white dress, she looked absolutely stunning. I walked over to her, gave her a hug, and took her hand. I pulled out her chair and let her sit down. I walked over to my seat and sat down. The chef came over and delivered our meals and wine. We sipped our win and ate our food. After we were done I stood up and walked over to Caroline. She stood up and I got down on one knee and said, "Caroline baby you bring so much joy to my life. I can't live with out you. You are my other half. You are the love of my life. I love you Caroline. Will you marry me?" She had tears in her eyes. "Yes! Yes Luke! I love you so much!" I stood up and put the ring on her finger and kissed her. As soon as we kissed the fireworks started going off. It was amazing. It was perfect. She was perfect. I was soon going to be married to Caroline Boyer. "I love you Caroline Cynthia Boyer, soon to Bryan." She laughed. "And I love you Thomas Luther Bryan." She said as we kissed again. "One more thing, this is our farm house. I bought it for us." "Luke. It's perfect. This night has been the best night of my life."

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