i- the hogwarts express

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JESSICA BLACK OF GRYFFINDOR MADE HER WAY THROUGH THE BRICKED BARRIER. at platform nine and three quarters. Just the way she had done so, the past five years at the beginning of each school year at Hogwarts. She smiled as the familiar steamy air overtook her.

She made her way to the compartment where she sat every year with her friends. Natalie Denswood, Aiden Blake, Fred and George Weasley, her partners in crime.

She was friends with each of them for different reasons. She had become friends with Natalie because she had always been such a lonely girl, who was always picked on by others. They started to share their secrets, and problems with each other, and soon were inseparable.

Aiden, on the other hand, was just so darn likeable. He was a real doofus, and was certainly not one for academics, but he did have a good mind. Jessica always teased him, saying that he should have been in Ravenclaw instead of Gryffindor.

Fred and George had been drawn to Jessica themselves. It wasn't that she was a big pranker or anything, but she had a reputation in Hogwarts for continuously defying Professor Snape, and saying what she thought of him to his face, and in return she would give Fred and George a run for their money, considering how many detentions she got. It was only Snape she had a problem with, she was fine with the other Professors.

"Hey Jess," Aiden grinned, making room for her to sit next to him, "Natalie's mum made her some freaking amazing fudge. Want to try?"

"Actually, I should be the one offering here the fudge, because I'm the one who brought it." Natalie said pointedly, before handing the box to Jessica, who grinned.

"Actually, I should be the one offering here the fudge, because I'm the one who brought it." Aiden mimicked, battling his eyelashes.

Natalie glared at him, and snatched up a handful of fudge from the box, before throwing it at Aiden's face who gasped, "NATALIE! YOU RUINED MY SHIRT, YOU IDIOT -"

Aiden snatched up a fistful of fudge himself, and aimed it at Natalie, when Jessica stopped him, "Oh goodness, not this food fight again. You guys are so freaking childish."

"Did we hear childish?" Fred and George poked their head in the compartment, with identical grins on their faces.

"Of course," Jessica rolled her eyes, "I forgot childish was your middle name."

"Yeah, along with genious, brave, smart -" Fred counted on his fingers.

"- hot." George piped up.

"Hot, yes. Thank you, George."

"Who said you two were hot?" Aiden blutered out.

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