vi- pain is punishment enough

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"SO, YOU REALLY EXPECT me to believe that at the last moment, you switched the position of Secret Keeper with Peter Pettigrew, and thus you didn't betray Lily and James?" Jessica asked

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"SO, YOU REALLY EXPECT me to believe that at the last moment, you switched the position of Secret Keeper with Peter Pettigrew, and thus you didn't betray Lily and James?" Jessica asked.

"Yeah, pretty much." Sirius said.

"Listen, dude." Jessica poked her wand at Sirius, "I don't know you that much, nor did I know my mom, so I kind of don't know how dumb you are to think I would ever believe that. Because, I certainly didn't inherit your dumbness for one thing."

"I swear, I'm not lying." Sirius said.

Jessica snorted, "And my arse shits candy."

"Does it?" Sirius raised his eyebrow.

"Ew, no. You idiot." Jessica said.

"Jessica, you do realise how weird it would be, if we were to tell Professor Dumbledore that you were talking with Sirius Black about arses and candy?" Natalie said.

"Shut up, Nat," Jessica turned to Sirius, "so, you say that Pettigrew is guilty. How can I be sure of that? If he was guilty, why's he dead, and you alive?"

"That rat's not dead," Sirius growled, "He's alive and about!"

"Nonsense," I snorted.

"Didn't you ever think why the Dementors never affected me? How I'm still sane?" Sirius asked.

"Who said you were sane?"

"Okay, well at least I remember my name. The truth is, I'm a animagus." Sirius said.

"You can't be one, all the animagi are registered at the Ministry, and surprise surprise, your name isn't there, buddy."

"Then how can I do this?" he asked. His body disappeared, and instead, in front of her was a black large dog.

A large dog. The portrait of the fat lady had a large dog's paw prints

"So you can turn into a dog, what has this to do with Pettigrew?" Jessica asked.

Sirius transformed back into his human form, "what it has to do with him, is that he was an unregistered animagus too. And he, is still hiding in his animagus form, out here, at Hogwarts."

Jessica snorted, "And what appearance does he take, a pigeons'?"

"In fact, he takes a rat's form, giving a clue to you of his treachery: rat's are never loyal."

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