xiii- proud

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    JESSICA WAS PRACTICALLY shaking with anger as she went back to her dormitory

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    JESSICA WAS PRACTICALLY shaking with anger as she went back to her dormitory. She was greeted by Natalie who immediately started throwing herself at her best friend.

"Oh my god, Jess, are you alright? I didn't think you would ever come back after what happened in DADA!" 

Snape suspected something. He definitely suspected that something was up. Dumbledore had shown no concern about the matter at all but that wasn't enough to convince Snape to let the matter go. He would do a lot of snooping and she was sure he would do everything in her power to get evidences against her.

     He would also want to frame Remus. He had several reasons for that actually. He was the best friend of his biggest enemies. And though that was an old high school rivalry, Snape, she was sure, would never let it go. He hated James and Sirius, so naturally, he hated Remus too. And the fact that Remus was a Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher, the job that Snape had always been after but never succeeded in getting, added to the general factor of him hating Remus, and thus, the desire to frame him in the whole, Sirius Black situation, as well as Jessica.

She didn't expect Padfoot to be angry, not at her at least. He would probably be mad at Snape for insulting him. Sometimes, she wondered how she was so different from him. He was a complete idiot. True, he was her dad, but still. He acted like a total kid.

    She wondered all the time honestly, who would marry him? Who was her mother? Was she even married to her father? Was she even alive? Not likely, or she would be living with her, not Remus, not that she minded it though. Was her mother a good person or bad person? What did she look like? Did she go to Hogwarts? If so, which house was she in? Was she even a witch? If so, what was her magical heritage? She knew that Sirius was a Pure-blood, but Jessica didn't even know her own magical heritage, let alone her mothers'.

    She wondered why no one ever talked about her mother. Whenever she brought it up in front of Remus, he avoided the topic. But, he used to avoid Sirius' topic too. Maybe it just pains Remus to think back on the times.

She made up her mind to force either Padfoot or Remus to answer some questions about her mother. Preferably Remus, though, she didn't want to pressure Sirius too much yet. Even if she would have to wait another few days to ask him since today was the full moon. He would probably explain better than Padfoot. And she would be scared dead that someone would walk up on them. It was always dangerous for Padfoot to transform in Hogwarts. What if after the Snape, incident, she was being watched?

"Group meeting Natalie." Jessica said, "You get the twins, and I'll get Aiden and Padfoot, to the Room or Requirement now."

Jessica went outside to the Common Room and cornered Padfoot. She put him on a leash, and led him outside. She kept getting weird glances from the girls and most of them were whispering about the Snape incident.

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