xviii- regenge

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"WHAT THE ACTUAL HECK are you guys doing in Fred and George's bedroom?" Jessica asked Aiden and Natalie who were sitting by the window sill, looking as shocked as Jessica did on seeing them

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"WHAT THE ACTUAL HECK are you guys doing in Fred and George's bedroom?" Jessica asked Aiden and Natalie who were sitting by the window sill, looking as shocked as Jessica did on seeing them.

"Wait, the real question is what are you doing here?" Fred asked.

"I asked you first." Jessica argued childishly.

"We're here because Fred and George called us over." Aiden explained, and the others nodded.

"Oh, so is this the first time guys met up without inviting me?" Jessica asked. She had inherited Sirius' antics for being hurt when left out by his own friends.

"No Jessica, trust us, it's not like that —" Natalie began.

"Save it. And for the record, I was here because Ginny invited me over, to give the twins a surprise, in form of a Christmas present. But I guess you don't need it." Jessica said, and left the room.

"Jessica, no, please!" George pleaded and called out behind her. He took her hand, and she shook it off. But this time, he didn't take it back again.

"Did you know that Aiden and Natalie were supposed to come today?" Jessica asked Ginny quietly, as she sat on her bed.

"Wait, what?"

"When I went by to their bedroom, Aiden and Natalie were sitting by the window sill. Apparently, Fred and George invited them over." Jessica said.

"No! Those bastards! How dare they, not invite you?" Ginny exclaimed.

Jessica laughed at the girl's fury, "Why didn't I become friends with you sooner?"

"I'm serious about this, Jessica! Those little shits! They're not going to come off so easily, we'll make them regret it." Ginny said.

"We will?" Jessica asked.

"Bloody yes, we will! They're always going around pranking people, thinking they're so awesome. We're just about to make them see how it feels to be pranked." Ginny said.

"We will?!"

"Yes! Come on, now, those idiots think they can go around doing shit. Grab your supplies! Let's go pranking!" Ginny declared.

"What supplies?!" Jessica asked.

"Well, we're not going to do this alone." Ginny said.

"We're not? Then who else can we include?" Jessica asked the girl. Ginny was enjoying this far too much.

"Bill of course! There's no one in the family as cool as Bill and me. The others don't know, but Bill and I have been working together against the rest of our siblings for a long time, along with Charlie."

"Gin, you're scaring me, now."

"Charlie's not here, so we'll only have Bill. There's nothing to be scared of. Come on, let's go get the long haired pillock!"

"Geezus christ, you scared me!" Bill breathed out, as he turned around to see the two girls behind him.

"Bill, it's an emergency. We need to talk about something very very important." Ginny said seriously.

"An emergency, you say?" asked Bill, putting down the bottle of soda he was drinking, "let's go!"

To say that Jessica was very amused, would be a big understatement.

"I just had the greatest idea." Bill said, "But for it, we need to know, who do they have a crush on." Bill and Ginny looked towards Jessica.

"What are you looking at me for?" Jessica asked

"Well, you're their best friend, who else would know their crush if you don't?" Bill asked, in a matter of fact tone.

"I honestly have no idea." Jessica admitted, and Bill and Ginny groaned.

"You know we're just playing with you," Ginny said, "everyone knows who Fred and George have a crush on. You."

"For the last time —"

"Bla bla bla," Bill mocked, "they don't like me, bla bla bla."

"Of course they do!" Ginny persuaded, "who can't like you? If I wasn't straight, I would be knocking on your door!"

"And I would be too, but, it would be cheating because my brothers already have a crush on you." Bill chuckled.

"Well, you guys are wrong." Jessica huffed, "and even if they do, I only like them as friends."

"That's what they always say." Bill insisted.

"So you're saying, that both of them have a crush on me?" Jessica scoffed.

"I mean, yeah maybe, love triangles are very underrated —"

"William Weasley!"

"Hey, I've got an idea." Ginny said, finally breaking the long silence in which the three were racking their brains for ideas.

"What is it?" Jessica asked.

"They've been wanting the new Zonkos epic box for a long time. It had all the pranks and things that Zonkos has ever released. What if we dupe an empty box of it, and fill it with cardbord, and give it to them for Christmas?" Ginny said.

"Ginny, that is the most evil thing I can ever imagine." Bill said, "Even Satan must be jealous of you at this moment."

"Ginny, that's kind of mean." Jessica said.

"And you're telling me that what they did wasn't mean? They deserve it, Jessica, and you know it." Ginny said.

"Goodness, you're really down to this." Jessica said.

"You bet, I am! No boy, be it my brother even, goes around breaking any girl's heart, when they have a crush on —"

"For the last time, Gin." Jessica huffed.

"Whatever, whatever. Let's get our plan into action." Bill cackled, and Ginny and Jessica exchanged a look.

   They duped the box they needed, and they found scrap cardbord, paper and waste materials in plenty, and stuffed them into the box. Bill conjured up a weight, so that it would make it more believable when Fred and George held it.

    They did their fair share of work, but all the while, Jessica felt more shameful than she had ever felt.

    Jessica had got all the presents she needed to get for Christmas for her friends and family. She didn't have the heart to not send the gifts she had already bought for her friends, so she owled it to them, without any card or context. Just her name.

   The only person — persons, actually — she didn't give a gift to, were Fred and George Weasley.

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