xxii- drama queen

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"SILENCE, PLEASE," Remus quietened his students, "Mr

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"SILENCE, PLEASE," Remus quietened his students, "Mr. Blake, stop laughing. Mr. and Mr. Weasley, get off of the desks, Miss Denswood, stop eating, and Miss Black stop — whatever that is you're doing."

"Yes Professor!" Jessica teased lightly, and shut her mouth, as Remus threw her a glare.

"Please, class, settle down." Remus said, tiredly, to no effect on the chattering students.

Jessica suppressed a chuckle at how lightly Remus "scolded". God knows why Dumbledore wanted him to be a teacher, Jessica wasn't complaining though.

"Please, class, we're wasting time," Remus said feebly. He shook his head, cleared his throat and yelled, "Quiet down class!"

The class blinked for a moment, then bursted our laughing at Remus' pathetic attempt to be strict. Jessica giggled too, but then, she heard a voice mutter, "pathetic creature, god knows, why Dumbledore made him a teacher."

Jessica may have just thought the exact same thing just now, but she will not tolerate anyone else insulting Remus, only she had the right to do that. She whipped up, and winked at Aiden, Fred, George, and Natalie, who gave her back a thumbs up.

Together, on a silent count of three, they conjured small sparks into the air. Together, the sparks created a huge blast, and scared the shit out of everyone in the class.

Remus buried his head in his hands at his daughter and her best friend's acts — wait, duaghter? Remus turned his head away. Jessica wasn't Remus' daughter, she was Sirius, so he might as well stop thinking that.

Well, at least everyone was quiet now.

"Oi, Jessica!" Aiden called, as Jessica grabbed her bag from the chair.

"Huh?" Jessica hummed, as she slung the bag over her shoulders.

"What do you say, we have another session in the broom cupboard?" Aiden asked.

He used code words that the two of them had set up, referring to the Legilemency and Occlumency classes as session, and referring to the Room of Requirement as the broom cupboard.

You know what, it wasn't both their ideas. It was Aiden's idea, because he's a doofus. He said that if they said that, people were least likely to spot anything suspicous, so Jessica decided to go with it.

"Yeah, sure, but we have Potions in an hour." Jessica added the last part with a huge groan, at the thought of having a class with Snape.

"An hour, should be more than enough," Aiden reassured, and grabbed her hand, pulling her away, "get a move on slow coach!"

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