xxv- the whomping willow

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    THE STUDENTS of Gryffindor, for the next days, were the happiest they had been for a long time

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    THE STUDENTS of Gryffindor, for the next days, were the happiest they had been for a long time. Especially Jessica, Aiden, Natalie, Fred and George. They had no idea that the world was about to be flipped on them, in the matter of a few hours.

"We need to have a party to celebrate our grand win." Aiden decided.

"Uhm, Aiden, have you forgotten the huge party we had, the day we won the match?" Natalie asked.

"Yeah, well that was all of Gryffindor. We need a party of just the five of us, too, and Padfoot too, of course." Aiden winked, "I need volunteers to go with me and get some food from the kitchens."

"I'll come," Jessica said.

"Fine, but I'm eating a treacle tart on the way back, then." Natalie said.

"We'll try to get into Filch's office, and get some of the cool stuff he confiscates." Fred said, referring to him and George.

George looked skeptical, "why don't you come with Fred and me, Jessica? I'm sure Natalie and Aiden will be fine."

"Any reason for me to do that?" Jessica raised her eyebrow curiously.

"Uh, no, it's your choice of course." George said, his eyes darting from Jessica to Aiden.

"If this is about the broom cupboard session, let me just tell you that they were our code words for Legilemency practice." Aiden said.

"Oh no, it's not about that, I was just . . . " George said, but he looked lightened by Aiden's words, and Jessica had a small feeling that Aiden might be right about what he said before.

"Well come on then, to the kitchens." Natalie said, "We don't have all day."

"I told you George has a crush on you, but you won't listen!" Aiden said, as he tickled the pear, and entered the kitchens with Natalie and Jessica.

"Shut up, Aiden." Jessica mumbled.

"Shut up, Aiden," Aiden mocked and rolled his eyes before turning to the house elf, "hello, Ninny! How are you?"

"Master Blake is very kind to treat Ninny so nicely." Ninny played with the hem of her worn out dress, "and Miss Black, and Miss Denswood, and Master, and Master Weasley."

"Ninny, we've told you before, that you can call us by our names." Jessica said.

   Ninny flushed red, and buried her head into her old clothes.

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