xi- legilemency

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"PADFOOT, I DON'T CARE how fun it would be, but I'm not throwing my wand for you to fetch

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"PADFOOT, I DON'T CARE how fun it would be, but I'm not throwing my wand for you to fetch." Jessica told her father sternly.

Jessica was having a heated argument with her father, with the door locked, as Natalie amusedly watched the two. Jessica jumped up to her feet as the door was knocked on from the outside, and told Sirius to turn back into his dog form, which he did.

Jessica unlocked the door, to see a third year girl by the name of Parvati Patil, "Yes? Is there something you'd like to say?"

"Aiden Blake is calling for you, he's outside the girl's dormitory." The pretty Indian girl told Jessica.

"Oh, okay, thanks." Jessica said, and turned towards Natalie, "Hey, Nat, Aiden's calling for me. I'll be back soon, alright?"

"Got it, I'll just have some quality time with your dad until then." Natalie, said sticking her wand out of her pocket, as she aimed to throw it, under Padfoot's excited gaze.

Jessica rolled her eyes, and went out of the Dormitory, to see Aiden outside.

"Hey, Jessica, I know how Snape is against you, and I felt like there must be a reason for that. Now, please don't get mad at me, or tell anybody, but I may or may not have read Remus' mind." Aiden said, covering his face, bracing himself for Jessica's wrath.

"Wait, how did you do that — oh wait, I forgot that you spent years not telling your best friend that you're a freaking Legilemens!" Jessica said.

"Sorry, alright! I was just scared that you might think I'm a freak or something." Aiden said.

"And why would I think that? Legilemency is a power!" Jessica said, "But Aiden, you're a muggle born, where did you learn Legilemency?"

"I have a lot to explain, I know. So come with me to the Room of Requirement, I'll tell you everything."

"What about the others?" Jessica asked, "aren't you going to tell them?"

"This is about you Jessica. I feel like I should tell you alone first. You can tell them yourself afterwards."

"Alright then," Jessica said, and followed him to the Room of Requirement.

"Okay, so when like I told you before, when I firsts started showing signs of magic, my family freaked out, and started to get scared of me. They thought I might be cursed, or might have black magic on me." Aiden said, as Jessica and him sat on a couch in the Room of Requirement.

"I know, Aiden." Jessica said, having inherited her impatience from her dad, "You've told me that before."

"Listen patiently, Jessica. Now, I later discovered that my maternal uncle, was a wizard too. That brought me closer to him than any member of my family, and I started spending each of my weekends with him. My uncle's name, is Dirk Cresswell."

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