vii- jessica's new dog

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"REMUS, WAIT UP!" Jessica shouted running towards the sandy haired man

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"REMUS, WAIT UP!" Jessica shouted running towards the sandy haired man.

Remus turned around, and stopped walking. He had a quill, and a bunch of papers in his hands, "yeah?"

"I, uh, need to talk to you about something," Jessica said, hoping he would get a hint, and added quietly, "in private."

    He nodded sceptically remembering the events of last night, his gaze automatically shifting to the bite marks Jessica had made on his hand as she turned red, and indicated her to follow him to his office. When reaching there, he held open the door for her and closed it behind himself after entering.

"Well?" He questioned.

"First of all, I'm sorry for biting you, I kind of lost my temper there, but I have to tell you something else... something imporant," Jessica scratched the back of her neck awkwardly, "Okay, so what I'm about to tell you — it's crazy, and at first I didn't believe it, so, I've brought proof for you to believe me."

Jessica very slowly brought out the Marauders Map from her pocket for dramatic effect. Despite the serious situation, she had a knack for drama, which she had inherited from Sirius.

"The Marauders Map?" Remus blurted out, blinking at her, "Where did you get it? I thought it was lost forever!"

"Fred and George nicked it from Filch's office," Jessica chuckled lightly, "but anyway," Jessica put the map away, "Last night, I was sitting in the Great Hall with the twins, Aiden, and Natalie, when the window behind us vanished —"

"Vanished?" Remus said sharply.

"Don't interrupt me, Remus. Yes, vanished. Then, a rock hit the back of my neck, and I caught a glimpse of something moving outside." Jessica said.

Remus gulped, "I don't like the sound of that. You should've told me immedietly! It could have been dangerous!"

"Oh it was dangerous! But not in the way you think," Jessica said, "I wanted to go outside and take a look, because I had my suspicions that it was Sirius Black."

"Why would you do that?!"

"I said, don't interrupt me, Remus, or I won't tell you anything." Jessica warned, and mumbled under her breath, "Drama queen."

"Hey! I heard that!" Remus said.

"Okay, so I told the others that I was going to go outside, because they had already witnessed all this —"

"And how did you plan on getting outside? There were serious enchantments on the gates and on all of Hogwarts." Remus said.

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