ix- first real best friend

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"He's innocent!" Jessica yelled sleepily, she was still in her dreams. It took her a solid 10 seconds to become conscious of the current situation, "What the hell, Natalie! What are you doing, waking me up . . . " She glanced at her pocket watch "In the bloody middle of the night!"

"Well I wouldn't have had to do the pleasure of waking you up if your dog didn't keep moaning and whining so incredibly loud!" Natalie said the word, dog sarcastically.

"What?" Jessica asked stupidly.

"Yes. Apparently he was having nightmares. I tried to wake him up but he wouldn't budge! You do it."

Jessica looked annoyed and shot daggers at Padfoot and started shaking him, "Padfoot!" She whisper-yelled "Padfoot! Padfoot! For Merlin's sake, WAKE UP!"

Padfoot kicked, but opened his eyes up abruptly, looking annoyed, but over whelmed at the same time.

"Sorry I've ruined your beauty sleep, Pads, but whatever nightmares you're having, they shouldn't wake me up in the bloody middle of the night!'

Padfoot turned his face away, clearly uninterested at what Jessica had to say. If it could scoff or sneer, it would've definitely done so at the indignant looking girl

"You aren't taking me serious right now, but if you don't stop whining, I'll murder you, Sirius bloody Black." Jessica whispered.

"Honestly, in his dog form, he kind of looks like a girl —" Natalie chuckled, but was stopped as Sirius barked his head off, waking up their other dormitory mates.

"Alright enough!" Jessica snapped at the dog "If you don't sleep right now, I'm going to mess up your fur, or worse, dye it green when you're sleeping, do you hear me?"

   Padfoot barked one last protest before he settled down, spinning round and round on the spot, and finally fell asleep.

"Some father he is, he acts like I'm his father." Jessica muttered before falling asleep herself.

"Good morning Sunshine." Jessica woke up to the voice of to two complete moron, whose faces were so very close to hers with identical Chesire grins.

      Those bloody twins. Wait . . . this is the girls dormitory, how did they get in? Jessica heard that boys couldn't get in girls dormitories.

"If you're thinking how we got in Jess, we've got our ways." Fred said reading her mind

"You gits!" Jessica flung a pillow at one grinning red-head, and then another at the other. "Get out!"

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