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"SO YEAH, we uh, we had been meeting up for a week to make this gift for you

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"SO YEAH, we uh, we had been meeting up for a week to make this gift for you." Natalie sheepishly said.

"I'm sorry," Jessica blinked, she hugged all of them in one giant hug, "I'm sorry for how I reacted."

"It's alright," George smiled, taking her hand, "I'd react the same way, of I didn't know."

"So, do you like it?" Aiden asked.

"I love it." Jessica replied.

"It took a lot of effort, to choose only one memory of both of us, but that piggy back ride one that I chose, was just screaming out to me." Aiden grinned.

"How did you guys make it?" Jessica asked.

"It's a secret." Fred winked at her, "but, we also saw your gift yesterday."

"we love it." George breathed, "we can't believe you got it, it's so expensive, that box —"

"Don't talk like that, when your gift was so amazing!" Jessica said.

"You gave us great gifts too, nothing beats good chocolate." Natalie grinned.

"and cake." Aiden added.

"and fudge."

"and liquorice."

"damn, Jessica, you got us the whole store!" Aiden said.

Jessica chuckled lowly, "well anyways, we should be heading for 'the annual Weasley Christmas Feast' as you called it?"

"You got it," George grinned.

    The dinner was a . . . strange experience, yeah that's one way to put it. By Jessica's luck, she got to sit between Percy and Bill Weasley, with Mrs. Weasley across her. Sitting with Bill was great, but . . . sometimes kind of awkward since they didn't know each other too well. And obviously, no one can like sitting next to Percy.

   Mrs. Weasley kept looking her strangely, and finally asked her.

"So, Jessica, you're dating one of the twins?" she tried to ask as casually as possible.

    Jessica choked on her glass of water, and had a coughing fit. Percy turned his face away, while Bill thumped her on the back multiple times before she was able to speak again in a throaty voice.

"No, Mrs. Weasley, what gave you that idea?" Jessica asked.

"Well, I would think the twins would be as smart as to be able to spot a beautiful girl when they see one." Mrs. Weasley said.

If Jessica was eating or drinking something, she would have choked again. Heck, she almost choked on her on saliva.

"Oh no, Mrs. Weasley, you —" Jessica began.

"Yes mum, you're right." Fred said.

"Fred, what are you —" Jessica began.

"It's really no use hiding it anymore, baby," Fred said, "everyone already suspects. It's okay. We don't have to hide it. Not anymore. Everyone," Fred stood on his chair very unnecessarily, "I will now officialy declare, that I have been dating Jessica Black for the past three years."

Bill broke out a small silence by having the audacity to loudly wolf whistle. The sound of the whistle lay hanging in the room before Mrs. Weasley stood up.

"I must let you know, Jessica, I am in full support of this relationship —" Mrs. Weasley began.

Jessica buried her head in her hands, and out of the corner of her eye, she saw Fred chuckling. The jerk did it on purpose.

But what no one noticed, was the expression on George Weasley's face.

"So, you didn't even tell me?" George asked as he climbed into the bed next to his brothers'.

"Tell you what?" Fred asked, confused.

George rolled his eyes, "don't try to be innocent. Dating Jessica of course!"

Fred looked at George like he was stupid for a moment before he burst into laughter, "oh . . . my . . . gosh . . . you totally bought it."

"What are you talking about?" George snapped.

Fred looked up at his twin brother than gasped, "oh my god, George, you're jealous, aren't you? You like Jessica!"

"What are you — of course I don't!" George said sharply, that Fred closed his mouth.

George climbed into bed, and faced away from his brother, while Fred had a secret grin gracing his lips.

"Remus!" Jessica let out, as she saw Remus waiting for her back at Hogwarts.

"Hey Jess, had a good time?" he grinned.

"Oh, I'll tell you all about it, with Padfoot." Jessica winked and grinned as Remus winked back.

   Oh, Remus had a big shock coming.

"HE WHAT?" Remus roared, "I'M GOING TO KILL THAT KID."

    Remus was okay with Jessica's friends secretly meeting up behind her. Remus was okay with the prank Jessica failed to conduct. But Remus was not okay about how Fred Weasley announced to everyone how Jessica was his girlfriend.

"Relax, Moony," Sirius chuckled, "I'm proud of you, Jess, he looked like a good chap,"

Jessica rolled her eye, "you know I'm not dating him, he's an idiot so he said that."

"Shut up," Remus exclaimed, "this is bad, this is bad, this is so bad,"

"chill out, Moony, just because you couldn't talk to girls without stuttering in fifth year, doesn't mean Jess can't get laid." Sirius played with him.

Remus glared at him, and mumbled, "dumb dog."


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