It Was Me Who Saved The World

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Hey so  I MAY not be continuing "My name is Lily Potter" as I dunno, I don't really FEEL it... idk. but this story just came to me and I decided to type it out here before I lost the idea. So yeah this wasn't inspired by anything actually so I'm pretty happy I came up with it myself. ;) Enjoy with ALL YOURRR MIGHHHTT!!! :O



Not a single one of you know me. Not a single one of you has heard of me. Not a single one of you has cared for me. I am a mere soul waiting to be discovered. You all care for your grades and tests, parties and fun, family and friends. I understand. But can you not atleast acknowledge me? I mean, none of you would be living if it weren't for me. My name is Heather Smith, and I saved the world.



(Unavailable on mobile devices)

The escape.

I stare down at the crumpled piece of paper on my desk and feel my heart beat rise slightly as I hear my teacher's footsteps come closer. I gulp hard when she stops beside me.

"Heather Smith!" she shouts, a hint of pleasure breaking into her voice. I hate the way she so happily gives people a hard time. I look up and glare at her.

"Yes?" I say a little too innocently.

She smiles evilly. "I see you have not done your homework. Do you have a note?"

She knows well I do not have a note. Who, exactly, would write me a note?

"No, I do not have a note." I mutter angrily, staring at the wall infront of me.

"Oh," she exclaims, pretending to be surprised, "Well I suppose I'll be bringing you down to the principal's office then, won't I?" she pouts her lips slightly.

I. Hate. This. Woman.

Before I know what I'm saying nor doing I've leaped up, grabbed my bag and stamped on her toe. "No, I'm afraid you won't be this time."

I push past her and speed out of the classroom. I ignore the looks turned my way as I run through the school corridors. I hear my name being called and quicken my pace as I speed around a corner. I hear the stamp of shoes coming closer and swing open a cupboard door. I rush in and close the door. I breathe as quietly as I can and let out a sigh of relief as I hear her pass the door. I creek the door open and slide out quietly. I then peek around the corner searching for anybody. When I'm satisfied that I'm alone I speed forward again. Soon I reach the school doors to find out they are locked.

I pull as hard as I can and have no luck opening them. "Damn!" I mutter under my breath. I then spot an open window to my right. I smile and run towards it. When I reach it I open it a slight bit more. I then drop my bag onto the other side of the window. After a bit of trouble, I finally hop up and climb over. I can't help but feel a rush of excitement run through me as I realize that I've actually escaped the school.

I then rush down the busy road, bumping lots of people on the way. I run into a small corner shop and run to the 'hot food stall'.

"Could I have four sausage rolls?" I pant, out of breath.

"Shouldn't you be in school?" questions a worker, raising an eyebrow.

I panic. "Oh, no. I got off early today because..." THINK! THINK! "Because my brother is.." I spot an ad for Holidays, "Moving to Australia!"

She nods. "Oh, very nice. Thats two seventy please."

I fumble with my purse and take out some coins. "Here ya go." She hands me the sausage rolls. "Goodbye!" I call, slipping out of the shop and back into the busy street.

As I walk through the street, I smile as I hear snippets of peoples conversation. I'd always play a game with Dad, when I was younger. You'd have to guess what the conversation was about, I'd always say something silly like "I think the girl's pet frog died in a bog." Dad would laugh and the game would just end up seeing who could be the most imaginative. I'd always win because I was only eight, so I had a pretty good imagination.

I run around a corner and soon find myself looking at a forest. I sigh and prop myself up against a tree. I take a big bite of the sausage roll and hear variations of birds chirp to eachother. I can never go back to that school, that's for sure. I'd go back only to be expelled. I don't think I can go back to my "house" either. They would just knock on my door everyday, all the time, waiting till I give up and come out. I've never been completley comfortable in the house either, well not for the past four years anyway.

This is the worst I've done. I've no choice. I am going to hide.


HOPEFULLY you liked it. :)

You should definetly fan so you can be updated of when a new chapter comes out!

So KEEP READING, COMMENTING, FANNING, VOTING cus I'm gonna write this story alot because I really enjoyed writing this chapter:D

so yup. :) buuhhbye !


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