The City Centre

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So i gots nothing to say except: VOTE, COMMENT, FAN!! :D and ENJOYY!!!...


As we walk into the packed Mcdonalds I sigh.  

"No seats lef- SEATS!" I exclaim as I quickly run to an empty table.

Mel plops onto the seat opposite me. "Okay, what are you ordering?" she asks.

"Hmmm.." I say "Medium fries and a cheeseburger?"

She nods and stands back up. "Okay. Be back in a minute."

I watch her walk away. Soon she is back with a tray in her hands. "You owe me 5 dollars, missy," she jokes, "Oh and I got you a coke, is that okay?"

I smile. "Perfect. Thanks, Mel. You're great."

She rolls her eyes and smiles. "It's just a coke, no need to thank me too much." 

"Not for the coke, for everything." I say, with a wide grin on my face.

She begins to blush slightly. "Aww, shut up! Now, dig in."

I do as told without hesitation. I munch quickly, stuffing it greedily down my throat.

Mel chuckles. "Hungry?"

I shake my head. "Not a bit," I say sarcastically, before taking another big bite out of my burger.

Mels phone rings in her pocket.

"Hey, Mom?" Mel says into her phone as she runs out of the shop.

Oh no. Her mum will be wondering where she is... After all, she's been gone a whole day, what if she forces her to go home?! I don't know what I would do!

I really want to know what's happening.... and then, I hear her. Somehow, through the noise of Mcdonalds, through the doors, I hear her.

"I'm just in a city, um, in Florida?" Mel answers her mom nervously.

I can even hear her mom talking so clearly it's as if she is right beside me.

"What?! With who?!" her mom screams.

"With.. with my friend. I'm okay mum, I'm 18 now...." Mel mutters.

"MELINDA! You should have told me!" Her mom shouts.

"I know... but-" She argues, but then I decide not to listen anymore, after I decide this, I can't hear a thing except the buzz of Mcdonalds.

Mel comes back in with a smile on her face. Before I can say anything she exclaims "Let's find a hotel for the night."

"Okay," I agree.

As we leave Mcdonalds I catch a glimpse of a clock. It is 6pm.

The city is full of evening shoppers and I see a few shops closing. Buses go past and people run on and off. Taxis wait patiently by the footpath and I wonder if I had of got into a different taxi at the airport where I would be. I would have no friend, not too much money left, and I wouldn't be this close to Florida now. It must've been fate. I look at Mel and smile at her.

She raises an eyebrow, "What are you smiling at? Do I have something on my face?"

I laugh. "No!"

Mel looks at me suspiciously, "Are you sure...?"


"Could we have a room with two beds please..?" Mel asks the people behind the counter of a hotel.

"Okay. And are either of you over 18?" replies the woman.

"I am!" Mel says happily.

"Good. That's 79 dollars for both of you including breakfast. Here's your key, you are room 162 and breakfast will be at 9amtomorrow morning. Enjoy your stay." The woman says, handing Mel a key.

Me and Mel speed up the stairs and eventually find our room.

Mel pushes the door open with a sigh. "Oh, it's really nice!" she exclaims, scanning the place.

I smile and then run over to a bed, "Oh my god! They have the button things aswell!"

Mel gives me a confused look, "Huh?"

"You can order anything with them, well foodwise, obviously it costs you though," I explain.

"Ooh! Heaven!" she says, clapping her hands together.

I give a mischievous smile and slap the button down.

"What would yo-"

"Salt and Vinegar Pringles and 500ml Coke!" I say, before the voice can finish.


"Mel!" I exclaim, watching Mel fill her plate yet again.

"What?" she says, "A girl gotta eat. And especially when everything she eats at that moment is free."

I roll my eyes and take a bite of my french toast. It is absolutely DELICIOUS! I swallow it down and take a sip of milk. Now this, was my ideal breakfast. I take more French toast, this being my 4th slice. Mel glares at me.

"Now who's refilling their plate!?!" she asks.

"Yeah, refilling with bread. Not with cereal, bread, and porridge like you!" I argue.

She takes a spoonful of her porridge. "True," she admits.

I smile. "Maybe we should start getting to Orlando," I suggest.

She nods and stands up. "Yeah, okay. We should be there by noon." 


Hi:P hope you like it!!!

and, how could she hear mel... and mels mom as if they were right beside her when they weren't even in the shop?

Vote, Comment, Fan, Chat me, ENJOY ! :D


P.S I took out a bit from the end cus I didn't really like it... idk.

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