A minute to midnight

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so I had loads of this saved to wattpad and now it's gone :(

so I gots to re-type and try remember it all:P

now, reaaaddddd....


"So what are you going to do?" asks Mel, "It's your last day of being fifteen after all."

I shrug, "Gymnastics, practice my powers, I dunno," I reply.

Mel lets out a sigh of exasperation, "But it's your last day of being fifteen..."

"I know, and that's what I want to do," I say in an annoyed tone.

She sighs once again, "Fine, but I'm going with you."

A smile creeps onto my lips, "Okay."

We walk towards the gymnasium and when we reach it I hold my hands out, "Take your pick," I say.

She looks around, "Oh, the bars!" she exclaims.

I smile as this was the first thing I had tried too. She stops when she reaches the bars and looks at me expectantly.

"What?" I ask.

"Show me your stuff," she says.

I smile and place my hands softly on the bars. I lift myself up as done many times before and flip around three times. I then land on the ground.

She scowls, "You expect me to do that?"

I nod.

She places her hands on the bars and flips slowly. She hops off and I applaud.

"Shut up!" she says.

I smile, "So, what next?"

"Trampoline!" she shouts, running towards it.

For another two hours we mess around, until I hear a voice call my name.

"Yes?" I call, turning around to see Mum in the distance.

"DINNER!" she calls, before walking back to the cabin.

"C'mon Mel, dinner," I say.

She groans and follows me to the cabin.

At the dinner table, we are all given chicken and rice, one of my favourite meals.

I cut up the chicken and pick some chicken and rice up with my fork. I munch on it happily.

After a long converstaion with Mum, Dad, Luke and Mel, I make my way to the living room  and pop a movie into the DVD player.

Soon everyone files in and I press 'play'.

When the movie finishes I look at the clock, it reads "23:50pm". Wow, time really does fly when you are having fun.

Mum and Dad turn to me, "Heather, we have something to tell you," says Dad.

My heart beat quickens up slightly as I know this wasn't going to be good news.

"Y-Yes?" I stutter.

"It's about how you got your powers," says Mum.

"Oh, okay," I say in a more relaxed tone.

"Well, to have every power in the world as you and Tom do, you must have parents with powers and you must be born at exactly midnight. You are going to be sixteen in a few minutes and from the very second you turn sixteen Tom and his followers will be able to track you, no matter where you go. This will last for an hour and when you see the time is a minute past one you will no longer be able to be tracked. Do you understand?" says Mum.

"I- wha- but, how?" I stutter.

"Having all powers is brilliant but with that it has a small curse. Not really a curse... a disadvantage," explains Mum.

"How can I hide? How can I stop myself from being caught?" I ask nervously.

"Teleportation and invisibility," she answers simply.

I nod slowly and then take off for the kitchen. I swing the kitchen door open and root through the press. Then I take a bottle of water and a cereal bar that reads "Cnakoz".

I glance at the clock and see it reads "23:56". Time was going way too fast. I run back to the living room and give everyone a hug.

"Be careful Heather!" exclaims Mel.

"Good luck," says Luke.

"Your very brave Heather, good luck," says Dad.

"Take this," Mum says, slipping a watch around my wrist, "And be careful. Remember, one minute past one and you come here immediately. You are so brave, good luck."

I swallow a lump in my throat, "Thank you all so much, I'll see you soon."

"Hopefully," murmurs Mel.

I walk slowly to the front door, one step at a time. I give one last wave and step out. I take a big breath and look at my watch. It tells me the time is now "21:59". I suddenly feel the familiar sensation of teleporting and suddenly fall roughly on the ground. My watch changes the time from "21:59" to "00:00" and I gulp as more people appear before me.

"Hello Heather," says one of them, "Remember me?"



lol, TYSM (thank you so much) for 12 fans! :D

So. My original goal was 20 fans by chap. 15 but i was dreaming big hehe:)

this is chap. 13 and my new goal is....

UPDATED FAN GOAL: 15 fans by chapter 15! :)

so help me get there by becoming a  fan!!! :D

as usual,

Vote, Comment, Fan, Chat me, ENJOY ! :D


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