The dark

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Hi! This is chapter 15! :) After you read this, FAN :D

cus i'm trying to get ...

CURRENT FAN GOAL: 20 fans by chapter 17 ! :)

now, reeaaaadddd....


"Well," begins Mum, "It is to prove yourself worthy of your powers."

"And what if you are caught? What if you die?" I ask.

"Then you stay dead and you failed the test," she replies seriously.

"Harsh," I mutter.

"Yeah," she agrees.

"Uh, I think we've forgotten to wish Heather a happy birthday Lucy," reminds Dad.

Mums eyes widen, "Oh my goodness, we have!"

I laugh and suddenly the lights go out.

"What happened?" I call.

When there is no reply I feel around me in search of Mum, Dad, Mel or Luke. All I find is air.

"Hello?" I shout out. I begin to panic and my mind is filled with bad thoughts.

What if I teleported here before a minute past one? What if he found me? What if he has come here to capture me?

Suddenly a light appears before my eyes and I smile.

"Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday dear Heather. Happy birthday to you," everyone sings.

A chocolate cake is in their hands and the sixteen candles on top shine in the darkness.

I blow out the candles in four big huffs and everyone claps their hands together.

"Sixteen, wow. Last time you were turning eleven," murmurs Mum with tears in her eyes.

"Last time I was fifteen. Last time you were there I was eleven," I correct her.

"Shuddup!" she exclaims before pulling me into a hug.

"I... can't... breathe," I moan.

She releases me with a smile, "Sorry."

I smile and turn to Dad.

"Happy birthday Heather," says Dad.

"Thank you Dad," I beam.

I'm brought into another hug.

"Heather! I have a surprise for you!" squeals Mel from beside me.

I pull away from the hug to face Mel.

"And whats that?" I ask.

"Did you not hear what I said? I said SURPRISE. C'mon, follow me," she says.

I look at Dad and shrug. Then I run after Mel. She pushes open my bedroom door and I follow closely behind.

"Surprise!" she exclaims.

"Mel!" I scream, "Why did you-"

"Your my best friend," she points out, "And I want you to defeat that idiot."

"Tom?" I ask, laughing.

"Yup," she says, popping the 'p', "So do you like it?"

On my bed is a dark green long-sleeved shirt and even darker green jeans. There is also black shoes, and a green cap.

"Love it, but how could that help me kill Tom?" I ask.

"Kill? So you are a murderer? Heather!" she gasps.

"No. I wouldn't kill him,  I'd capture him and then let someone else kill him. I wouldn't have the guts," I admit.

"Okay. Well, if you took a closer look you would see why it would help you..." she says, pointing towards the clothes.

I look at her uncertainly and then walk slowly towards the clothes. I run my hand over the soft fabric and look back at Mel.

"I don't see anything that would help me," I say.

Mel groans, "Well, you can't see it, but the fabric on the cap, shirt and jeans protects you from being hurt. It's bulletproof. It's also swordproof. And hitproof, and kickpr-"

"They aren't words," I laugh.

"You know what I mean," she says.

"Are you serious though?" I ask.

"So serious I'd be prepared to let you shoot me while wearing it."


so thats chapter 15 :)

hopefully you liked it, and it's getting pretty close to when heather has to leave to fight :O

but the story is only gettin started :) well, not really. but it's (quite a bit) less than half way done :)


Vote, Comment, Fan (And help me reach my goal of 20 fans), Chat me, ENJOY ! :D


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