All around the world

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OMG! last chapter i asked for 15 fans by chapter 15 and i hadn't even started this chapter (chap. 14) and i already had the 15?

that's amazing! :D it means so much:')

so now i suppose i must make a new goal, mm?

NEW FAN GOAL: 20 fans by chapter 17! :)

That is 3 chapters away, and should be on Sunday. Possibly monday?

This chapter is dedicated to EstherOduwaye for being my 15th fan! Thanks :)

Now, reeaadddd....


"Hello Tom," I spit.

"You are not afraid?" asks Tom, stepping towards me.

"No. Your the one who should be afraid," I snap.

"Oh and why's that?" he says, taking yet another step towards me.

"Because I'm going to defeat you," I sneer, before teleporting once again.

I'm dropped onto a sandy surface and I am welcomed by a very, very hot temprature.

I get up and see small cabins around me. Africa, I'm in Africa. I hear thuds and coughs from behind me and know Tom and his followers are following me closely.

I teleport and find myself in an empty street, well, empty of anything living. Closed shops are everyway I turn. A car drives past and I sigh as I feel unsafe. I feel as if... someone is watching me.

They could be here. They could be hiding. They could be about to pop up and capture me.

My heart thumps loudly as I search the street for any sign of movement. Nothing. Then I hear shouts. I quickly teleport in panic.

I'm plopped beside a narrow road, a sign beside me. I read it

"Dublin, Ireland."

So this was ireland, huh? Freezing but it has a cozy and warm feel. I have no clue how I can feel warm and cozy at a time like this. I haven't even got a clue why this is happening. I mean, what is the reason of being visible to any threats you may have for an hour? What is the reason of this curse? I can't think of any reasonable answer.

A few more teleports later, I find myself in America. Well, I assume America, it had the same type of feel, same temprature too, although it is a part of America I have never seen before. I take a big gulp of my water and my watch reads "00:56". Just five more minutes till I was safe. Just five more minutes.

An arm is suddenly thrown around my neck and my head is roughly whipped backwards. I let out a high-pitched scream. A hand is forced over my mouth.

"Shut it," warns a hoarse sounding voice.

I try to scream through the grip but fail. I scramble and kick my legs in every direction.

"Let me go!" I mumble through his grip.

I'm dragged over to face Tom.

"Hello again Heather," says Tom with a devilish grin, "Lou, let her go."

I'm loosened from "Lou's" grip and narrow my eyes at Tom.

"I can't help but feel you don't wish to see me," says Tom.

"Oh, really?" I sneer.

"Yes, really. I'm afraid your going to be coming with us, Heather," spits Tom.

I glance slowly at my clock and see the time is now "00:59". Two more minutes.

"I don't think so," I mutter.

"You what?" questions Tom.

"I said," I say in an annoyed tone, "I don't think so."

"Well you thought wrong Heather Smith," spits Tom.

"No I didn't," I reply, watching the time change to "01:00". Less than 60 seconds more.

"Excuse me?" stammers Tom in shock.

"I did not think wrong, I am not going with you," I say simply as I take a step backwards.

"What makes you think you can escape?" asks Tom with disgust in his voice.

"Oh no, not think, I know," I say.


"Oh yeah?" I taunt, "Watch this."

I feel myself float and see the time read "01:01" as I teleport. I smile and am dropped onto a comfy couch.

"Heather!" exclaims familiar voices.

I'm brought into a warm hug, "Hey guys," I say while in the hug.

"You did it," squeals Mel, "Your back! Your safe! Your - AHHH!"

I laugh and then say in a serious tone, "What was that about? Why was I exposed to anyone who cared for an hour? It makes no sense."

Mum sighs.


so that 's it! chapter 14 :)

as I said at the beginning of the chapter, my new fan goal is...

NEW FAN GOAL: 20 fans by chapter 17 ! :)

so fan..... like right now. lololol :) but please fan to help me get my goal !

having fans makes me happy, no, having READERS makes me happy!

cus as you may know, i hope to become a writer, tehe ;)

so, drumroll please.....

Vote, Comment, Fan, Chat me, ENJOY! :D

expect a chapter tomorrow :) LOVE YOU!<3


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