Lone Black Wolf Wandering Nowhere

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Trigger Warnings: swearing

Three young wolves stalked through the forest to the hunting ridge, all keeping low to the frozen ground and traveling on silent paws. They reached the top of the ridge were they laid close to the ground, three pairs of eyes scanning the small herd of reindeer just below them in the valley.

"There's a young one over there with a game leg," a light grey wolf said, pointing with his white muzzle towards a young buck who was straggling at the back of the herd, hind right leg held above the ground.

"We can scare the herd away then flank it on both sides and behind. Then it's just a game of endurance," a dark grey one said to the two others.

They were about to start down the frost covered hill when the third wolf stopped them.

"Looks like we got some competition," he said, pointing towards the tree line off to the right.

The other two looked over to see a lean black wolf come trotting out of the shadows of the forest, their head low as they approached the herd.

"Is this guy really thinkin' about hunting a reindeer all by himself? Why he's crazier than Remus!" the light grey wolf whisper-shouted which caused the third wolf, Remus, to nip his ear, earning a squeal from the other.

"Roman! Remus! Would you two shut up!" the dark grey wolf snapped in a low voice.

The two jump a tiny bit then lowered their ears sheepishly.

"Sorry Logan," Remus said.

Logan rolled his eyes and looked back down to the plains, watching as the black wolf neared the herd. The large hooved creatures barely batted an eyes as the wolf stalked closer. To everyone's greatest surprise the black wolf suddenly lunged at the lame reindeer, it's jaws camping tightly on the beast's nose. The reindeer screamed, it's cry echoing around the forest and sending the herd on a stampede off to the left.

The wolf clung onto the creature's nose even as the buck reared and kicked, flinging snow and dirt into the air as it tried to fling the glorified dog off. After a bit the wolf let go, tumbling across the ground before sprinting to their paws and charging again, this time bitting down hard on the deer's already lame leg. The deer let out a scream and thrashed about, panic probably clouding it's mind as it spun in a circle. The black wolf watched its prey with interest, calculating the next move it should take. The reindeer was exhausted and not winning this battle which caused the wolf to sudden leap towards, clamping it's teeth on the deer's neck and shake. A shrieked exploded from the beasts mouth as it was shoved to the ground where it remained, death coming to collect the new soul to add to its ranks.

"Holy shit," Roman breathed, his green eyes round from watching that scene.

"You can say that again. Let's go talk to him!" said Remus.

Before Logan could protest the twins were already running down the hill toward the wolf. Having nothing else to do Logan followed behind, if anything going to make sure those two don't get their heads ripped off by this super wolf.

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