We Are Young, So Let's Set the World on Fire

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Trigger Warnings: swearing

Virgil, Talyn, and Joan arrived back at the kingdom around midmorning, walking in to find all of Virgil's friends lounging around for their return. Remy was absent from the group, probably with Emile and their new pups.

"Hey Virgil! How'd it go?" Roman said.

"The StarBlaze Kingdom is now a Queendom. I'm sure Dahlia will be a great leader. How're Emile and the pups?" Virgil asked stalking over.

"They're fine, but Emile's being super possessive of them. He nearly bit Roman's toe off when he tried to touch one," Janus said getting the Offended Princy Noises ™ from Roman.

"Speaking of that, Emile and Remy want to see you," Logan said.

"Alright, be back in a second," said Virgil, wandering down the hall to his brother's family's room.

On his way he ran into Thomas who seemed troubled by something, his ears down and eyes narrow.

"Thomas, something bothering you?" Virgil asked stopping next to him.

Thomas looked up, trouble swimming in the honey brown pools.

"Well. . . there is something. I've been seeing signs and symptoms of something in someone, but I don't want to make a mistake again," he whimpered.

"Thomas that was one mistake. I do not blame you for anything and you shouldn't either. If something is wrong with someone you should help them, even if it's just a false alarm. You made a mistake, learn from it," Virgil said, giving the young wolf a lick between the ears.

Thomas seemed to relax at Virgil's comfort and nodded.

"Okay, I'll go tell them," the males said, walking down the hallway.

Virgil continued on to Remy and Emile, entering the den where the family laid together. The black wolf walked closer to them.

"Did you name them yet?" he asked.

"We named two of them, but wanted you to name the last. We named the two boys, Apollo and Artemis, but the female pup is yours to name," Emile said, looking at the three pups curled up next to him.

"Which are which?" Virgil asked, looking at the bundles of fluff.

"The dark grey one is a boy and named Apollo. The silver one is also a boy and named Artemis. The white and silver one is the only girl," Remy said, resting his muzzle on Emile's side.

Virgil looked down at the tiny pup, millions of names running through his mind as he tried to pick the perfect one.

"How about, Felicity?" he said.

Emile smiled and looked down at his daughter, brushing them all with his tail tip.

"Felicity. I like it," he murmured.

Virgil smiled and stalked out of the den, leaving his brother to enjoy his family. He started to the courtyard, but once he arrived he was greeted by an. . . interesting sight. So Patton was standing with shaking legs and a panicked expression on his face, Roman looked like he was about to faint, Janus looked like he was about to straight up murder Roman, Remus was trying to stop his laughter, Logan was just confused, and a Thomas was sitting in front of Patton with a neutral expression.

"Did I miss something?" Virgil asked, walking over to Logan.

The dark grey wolf shrugged, looking as lost as Virgil was.

"S. . .sir you can't be serious. This must be a mistake," Patton sputtered.

"I've already made this mistake once so I won't be making it again. All the signs are clear as day," Thomas deadpanned.

"Okay, someone please fill me in on what's happening," Virgil said.

Remus snickered before answering.

"Roman fucked Patton, Patton's expecting his pups, Roman's gonna faint, and Janus is gonna kill the pup's BabyDaddy."

Virgil blinked slowly, trying to process the information. Meanwhile Patton squeaked uncomfortably at the comment.

"Remus he's not the BabyDaddy! He's my mate!"

"Either way Janus is getting really close to homicide," Remus giggled, looking at the wolf.

Indeed Janus was getting agitated, his left eye twitching along with his lip and his nails were digging into the dirt.

"Everyone calm down. Patton, do you want these pups?" Virgil asked, standing up.

"O-of course! I'm excited to be a father!" the small white wolf said.

"There. Everything is fine. Patton will have these pups and y'all can deal with it," Thomas said, turning around and strutting off.

Virgil giggled before turning to his friends.

"I have to get back to the MoonBlood Kingdom. Would y'all care to join me and maybe live in the castle with me? Please. I'm lonely," Virgil said, his voice getting softer as the offer progressed.

"Oh hell yeah! Like I'm turning down an offer from the king to live in his house!" Remus said, leaping to his paws.

Everyone laughed before agreeing, all setting out for the kingdom.

You guys. What the fuk? I asked for names but didn't get any? I need names. Please.

Also Emile and Remy's pups' names were commented by ShihiroSaiko1 for Felicity and @AkitaFey for Apollo and Artemis. I also drew a picture of these pups.

Here's the picture

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Here's the picture. Artemis has a permanent boop on his nose. They all be blepping.

. . . . . Yeah that's it.

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