Stranger with a Stranger Name

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Trigger Warnings: swearing

When the three wolves approached the black wolf had their head up and was standing in a low, defensive manor. They held their ears flat against their head and tail almost between their legs, muzzle twitching as they were considering snarling. Logan silently ordered the other two to slow down and lower their ears and tails as to not frighten the wolf more. Once they were within a few feet of the wolf they stopped.

Logan stalled for a moment at the wolf's undeniable beauty. He had dark black fur that could figuratively melt into shadows, his body being incredibly lean, yet well toned with muscles. His grey eyes looked as if they held raging storms within them, the light that reflected off them making it look as if there was lightening flashing with the storm. Logan felt his pelt heat up and fur rise a bit as he stared, probably looking like a love-struck idiot.

Suddenly Remus called out to the new wolf.

"Hello there. We didn't mean to scare you, we are just impressed by your kill and wanted to meet you."

The wolf's muzzle stopped twitching, but they didn't seem to relax.

"My name is Remus, this is my twin brother Roman and this is our friend Logan. What's your name?" Remus continued.

"None of your concern stranger. I didn't come here looking for trouble, I'm just here to eat then I'll be on my way," they answered.

"Patton will kill us if we don't bring him back to the den," whispered Roman to which Logan nodded in agreement.

"Uhm, before you go, could you possibly come with us to meet the rest of our pack? One of our members really loves meeting new wolves and gets real sad when they don't come see him. Could you do us that favor?" pleaded Remus, his tail swinging a bit.

"This feels like a less threatening kidnapping, but okay. Just help me with this thing," the black wolf said, grabbing the reindeer by it's anckle.

The other three quickly move around to help him, each grabbing a leg and begin to pull.

"So we never got your name," Roman said though muffled by the deer leg in his jaw.

"My name is too sacred to me to just throw around. For now you may call me Anxiety," the wolf said after a brief moment of hesitation.

"Alright, Anxiety it is," Remus said through his teeth.

The group continued to drag the prey through the forest back to the three friends' pack site. After much dragging and some stumbling they finally made it, entering the large ring of trees that marked their home. Two other wolves came trotting over to them, one a pure white the other a mixture of greys and white with burn marks on their face.

"Wow, Remus, Roman, Logan y'all have gotten really good at hunting together," the white wolf explained as he looked down at the kill.

"Actually Patton we didn't do this. It was our new friend Anxiety over here," Logan corrected, looking over at the black creature.

"Really?! Well I'll be dammed you sure are a hunter," the burnt wolf said.

"Thanks. I've had practice," said Anxiety.

"Well since this isn't our prey then we shouldn't eat it," said Patton, sitting down on dainty white paws.

"No, I won't eat all this and you still need food as well. Besides, I can share," the black wolf said.

"That's very kind of you, Anxiety was it?" the scarred wolf said though the end sounded like a question.

"It's not my name, but it's what you can call me for now. Names are just sacred to me. I just don't feel comfortable sharing mine with complete strangers," explain Anxiety.

"Understandable. My name is Janus," the scarred wolf, now Janus, introduced.

"Hey slimy boi, are we going to eat or not?" Remus asked, one ear lowered as he tilted his head.

"Remus have patience for once," sighed Janus, looking over at his friend.

After a brief moment they all started eating, everyone enjoying the delectable meal brought to them. One in particular enjoying the first meal he's had in weeks.

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