Monsters Deserve to Die

185 18 13

Trigger Warnings: Arron, pup abuse, death threats, character death, swearing, blood, gore

The group charged through the kingdom to the palace, gaining some confused looks from the citizens. They couldn't care less, running straight into the palace courtyard. The area was quiet and peaceful, not a twig out of place and not a danger in sight. Too peaceful for any of their likings.

"Which way is your den?" Virgil asked Remy.

"This way!" he said, leading the party of wolves down the first hallway to their left.

They kept running, Remy leading them straight for a bit before turning another hallway then entering a large den. The second they entered they all froze in their tracks, their blood freezing and hearts stopping at the sight before them.

Arron stood near Emile, a newborn pup held in his right paw and a sick, twisted grin on his face. Emile, who had clear tears stains on his cheeks, was laying on his bed with two more pups at his side. His amber eyes were huge with terror, he held his head close to his chest and the ground as he curled his tail and back legs around his pups. Thomas stood behind Emile with his left leg over the king's side as a means to protect him. Lastly Patton was laying next to the far wall as if he had been thrown there, a small cut on his nose leaking a tiny stream of blood. He was awake and watching this, but seemed either too dazed or scared to move.

"S-stop it! Y-you're hurting him!" Emile whimpered, tucking his ears back as Arron tightened his grip on the pup's neck.

The pup was wiggling and whimpering, his adorable skooshed face moving from side to side as he tried to worm free.

"Do you think I care?" Arron hissed, his tongue licking his stained teeth.

"Arron," Virgil growled lowly, bring all the other's attention to him.

Arron smiled even wider and tilted his head to the right, successfully making himself look like an insane psychopath. His left eye was twitching as he gazed at the group in the entrance way.

"Well Virgil, it seems you've caught me. But, if you take one step closer then my paw might just slip," smiled Arron, squeezing the pup by the neck for emphasis.

"Get your paw off my pup!" Remy growled, pulling his lips back in a snarl.

"Careful king, you wouldn't want to be the cause of you child's death now would you?" Arron said, a maniac grin replacing his smile.

"You rat bastard! Why I outta-" Remus snarled, as did all the others.

"Guys stop!" Virgil shouted, taking one step forward, "What is it you want Arron?"

"I want you! You belong to me! You may have freed yourself, but you will always belong to me!" Arron roared, frightening Emile so much that he whimpered and more tears started to fall.

"All this will end if I go with you?" Virgil said, never breaking eye contact with the wolf before him.

"Of course. You just have to be mine," assured Arron.

"Put the pup down then," ordered Virgil.

Arron grumbled for a second, thinking over his options, before placing the pup next to Emile who snatched up the pup faster than lightening.

"There. Now, what do you say?" Arron said, a almost desperate look on his face.

"If it's the only choice," Virgil said, taking another few steps closer.

"Virgil you can't!" he heard Roman cried.

"Virgil you just got you freedom back!" Janus joined.

"Shut up! All of you! Now Virgil, give me a lick," Arron snapped before looking back at the black king.

Virgil walked even closer, the plan he formed seconds ago working perfectly. Virgil stood infront of Arron who's tail was starting to wag. He leaned closer causing Arron to close his eyes as he waited for the lick that would never come.

The second Arron closed his eyes Virgil lunged forwards with a snarl, snapping his jaws and closing them around Arron's throat. He shook and twisted the surprised wolf in his mouth, blood splattering on his muzzle, nose, and cheeks as Arron screamed from the sudden attack. Virgil kept shaking until he heard it;


Virgil dropped Arron, the grey wolf falling to the ground with a thud. Blood poured out of Arron's neck wound and his lower jaw hung slackly as his once burning golden eyes became cloud before fully glazing over with death.

King Arron of the StarBlaze Kingdom, tyrant to his people and abuser of Virgil was now dead, slain by the jaws of the wolf he once abused.

Dud dud daaaa! He's dead! I finally killed the bastard wolf! About time am I right?!

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