No Place Like Hell

247 20 6

Trigger Warnings: implied sexual assault and rape

The wolves traveled for two days, Logan and the others being kept away from Virgil and supervised at all times. Virgil seemed to have completely shut down at these wolves arrival, his tail and head always hanging, his steps more like shuffles, and his once bright grey eyes now clouded over with despair. The journey wasn't pleasant, but they made it in short time, soon arriving at the StarBlaze Kingdom. The kingdom wolves led them through the land, past dens and vendors that lined the busy streets and pathways, wolves rushing around the crowded kingdom land.

They finally reached a guarded gate area where the wolves guarding opened the barriers for them to enter. Once inside the gates were closed and they found themselves in a large, round courtyard, large dens lining the area with several wolves bustling about. One wolf Logan noticed in particular was a small, possibility grey she-wolf though it was hard to tell because of her attire. She had black fabric draped over her shoulders that nearly flowed to the ground with a black veil placed before her ears, obstructing her face for view. Despite the veil however Logan was able to make out her daffodil yellow eyes glowing behind her mask of darkness and mystery.

"Take the prisoners to the dungeon while I deal with my mate," Arron ordered, shoving Virgil with his broad chest to one of the dens.

The rest of them were pushed and herded past the dens, out the courtyard and to a large stone pit, the sides completely smooth and high above the ground below. The six wolves were rudely shoved into it, all landing with hard thuds on the dirt surface. Logan shook his head before looking around, the pit being rather large with grey stone walls surrounding them as he saw from above. Once stated before the sides were absent of nooks and crannies to get a paw hold in, the stone sides smoother than river pebbles.

"You prisoners will get your rations a sunset. Until then stay out of trouble," one of the guards barked before leaving.

Logan huffed before going to sit over with the others.

"W. . .what do we do now?" Patton asked, his ears pinned back and his body visibly trembling as he pressed up against Janus.

"We should try to escape and help Virgil. I don't like that Arron guy, he doesn't seem right," said Remus.

"I agree. We should try and find an escape route," Roman said.

Janus looked like he was going to say something but an ear shattering scream tore though the air, causing all wolves to leap with fright. The screams continued, some sounding more like groans, other like wails, most just pure, bloodcurdling screams. The six all had looks of horror on their faces as they thought of what was causing such distress to a wolf so they asked a passing guard.

"Sir, what's making that terrible racket?" Logan asked a large brown wolf who was patrolling the prisoners.

The brown wolf turned his head to look at them before answering, "King Arron has a large manhood, sometimes it's a bit much for his mate, king Virgil to handle."

Logan's jaw went slack as what this wolf was proposing. He looked over at the others who had similar expressions on their faces. Even Remus who often made jokes about these things had a sick look on his muzzle and he looked like he was about to throw up.

"Also if you six are planning on escaping you can stop thinking it right now. There has only been one wolf ever to escape our prisons and he can't help you," the brown guard added before turning away.

The rest of the day passed slow and agonizingly for all prisoners, the group trying to find ways to block the heart breaking screams of their friend from their ears, but to no avail. The screaming stopped just before sunset, and, just as promised, the guards brought them their food at sunset, but none felt well enough to eat. Not after what they heard.

The wolves fell into a restless sleep, Logan's dreams plagued by the horrible cries of his lover as he though of what that brute was doing to him.

Poor Virgil must feel so alone right now.

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