Land of Unknown Secrets

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Trigger Warnings:

"So Anxiety, you said where you were from names are sacred," Patton started, looking over at the black wolf laying with them in their den site. Anxiety nodded.

"Where are you from then?" Patton asked.

"SunLight Kingdom, but lived in the StarBlaze kingdom until my recent. . . departure," the black male said, hesitating on the last word.

"Okay, is it like a traditional sort of thing or. . .?" Ronan asked.

"No, it's just important to me. What about you guys? What kingdom or kingdoms are you from?" questioned Anxiety.

"Well Janus and I are litter brothers. Though we're half kingdom wolves, our mother being from the NightShadow Kingdom while our father was from the StarBlaze Kingdom," Patton said.

"Remus and I are both from the StarBlaze Kingdom," said Roman, Remus nodding in agreement.

"I'm the only one from the SunLight Kingdom," Logan said.

"Alright. Well I should be leaving, thank you for having me," Anxiety said, rising to his paws.

Logan suddenly jumped to his own paws as well, some unknown feelings of fear surfacing within him at the thought of this intriguing wolf leaving them.

"W...wait! I. . . I think it's going to blizzard soon, you should stay here until it passes, this area is sheltered from the elements," Logan quickly said, confusing everyone present.

Anxiety had a startled look of a lost pup as he glanced from Logan to Patton to Janus then back to Logan. His grey eyes were swirling with deep thought as he contemplated his next move. Finally he shrugged and agreed, them all drifting of to sleep soon afterwards with their bellies fully.

Logan was awoken from his slumber by loud billowing wind. He looked up with sleepy eyes to see the trees around the forest were shaking and waving, snapping and lashing as the wind kicked up snow and dead leaves with its might. Logan soon realized he wasn't the only one awake either, a pair of grey eyes being wide open as the storm raged on around them.

"Anxiety?" Logan whispered, not wishing to wake anyone else.

"Yeah?" the black wolf answered, flicking an ear.

"Did the wind wake you?" asked Logan.

"Yup," answered Anxiety, quietly popping the 'p'.

"Let's just be glad you're not traveling in this weather," Logan snickered.

"Oh yes, my hero. Protecting me from a wind storm," Anxiety giggle which caused Logan to giggle.

"Go to sleep!" a loud voice hissed, startling the two males and making them both go right back to sleep, despite the wind groaning and hissing around them.

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