A Life Saving Mistake

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Trigger Warnings: glosses over past abortion (don't worry)

Virgil felt as if he couldn't breath. He was frozen in place, unable to move or hear anyone. He saw Logan and Thomas moving, he saw them look at him, he saw Logan wrap his muzzle around Virgil's neck, but he didn't hear nor feel anything. His legs were shaking and his breaths were becoming irregular. He tried to calm himself down and with help from Logan he was able to.

"Virgil, what do you want to do now?" Thomas asked slowly.

"I- I don't know. I- I need to think about this p-please," Virgil stuttered, stumbling over to the exit and to his old den.

He laid down on the bed and felt Logan curl up next to him. Logan rested his muzzle on Virgil's side and looked up at him with deep blue eyes.

"What do you want to do love?" Logan asked.

"I- I still d-don't kn-kn-know. I- I've always removed them b-before, b-b-but now. I-I don't kn-know," Virgil sputtered, tears leaking from his eyes.

"Virgil it's your choice. I'll be with you though it all, no matter what," said Logan, brushing his muzzle against Virgil's cheek.

"I- I'll think about it," Virgil muttered, laying his head down on his paws.

The two lovers laid with each other for a while, Virgil finding comfort in Logan's calming presence. After about two hours Virgil heard someone come into the den. He looked up to find Thomas standing there, a sick, horrified  look on his face.

"Thomas? What's wrong?" Virgil asked.

Thomas suddenly burst into tears and started sputtering apologies.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm so sorry Virgil! Please don't hate me!" he wailed, tears water falling down his cheeks.

Virgil leaped up and rushed over to Thomas, pulling him into a hug.

"Thomas whatever it is it's okay. Breath with me, breath in for four seconds, hold for seven seconds and release for eight seconds," Virgil coached, breathing with the blubbering wolf.

Thomas managed to calm down then looked at Virgil.

"I'm sorry," he whispered.

"What are you sorry for?" Virgil asked, his grey eyes soft.

"Y-your not pregnant. I'm miss read the signs! I'm so sorry!" Thomas cried, burying his face into Virgil's chest.

Virgil felt a weight lifted off of him at those words and he let out a small sigh before resting his muzzle between Thomas's ears.

"It's okay Thomas. We all make mistakes then learn from them. I'm fine, you're fine and everything's fine. Don't beat yourself up about this. You're still young and always learning. Keep trying," Virgil whispered.

Thomas sniffed and nodded even though his face was still shoved Virgil's black chest fur.

"Would you like to cuddle with Logan and I?" Virgil asked though rolled his eyes a tiny bit.

Thomas nodded again.

"Are you okay with that Logan?" Virgil called over his shoulder.

"Doesn't bother me," Logan responded.

The two then made their way over to Logan and laid down on the cotton bed, Virgil and Logan laying on the outside and Thomas in the middle.

"So Thomas, how are you so close to Virgil?" Logan asked.

"He found me on the outskirts of his kingdom, the MoonBlood Kingdom's, territory. I was abandoned by my parents and he took me to the palace were the queens allowed me to stay. Despite being only a few months older than me Virgil treats me like his little brother. He's the reason I became the SunLight Kingdom's healer since I wanted to help the kingdom, but I was never really a fighter so I became a healer and lover," Thomas answered, snuggling closer to the pair.

"Someone has to look out for you," Virgil muttered.

"Just don't forget to look after yourself," Thomas whispered.

"Don't worry. He has me for that," Logan breathed, all three falling asleep in their little cuddle party.

I changed how Virgil deals with his pups to avoid any discomfort in the viewers. Hope this was better.

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