A Heart Melting Reunion

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Trigger Warnings: swearing, mpreg

The first thing Virgil noticed upon entry was that all his friends were there and they all looked to be fine. Second thing he noticed was Remy walking towards him. His brother stopped just in front of him and looked at him with his greyish blue eyes.

"Virgil," he said softly.

"Remy," Virgil murmured.

Remy's eyes started to water as did Virgil's and Remy pulled him into tight hug, tears leaking out of both their eyes as they embraced after one long year of being separated. They hugged for several minutes before they pulled away from each other, Remy staring deep into Virgil's stormy grey eyes.

"You. . . are a little shit," Remy said with a slight chuckle.

"I'm a little shit that came back," Virgil snarked, smirking slightly.

"Yeah. . . Oh how I missed you," Remy said, resting his forehead on Virgil's, but being careful of the silver and black crown resting upon his head.

"I missed you too, but it seems you found someone else," teased Virgil, looking over at Emile who was sitting with the others.

"Oh, yeah. Emile hon, come see Virgil," called Remy, his ears visibly heating up from embarrassment.

Emile smiled and rose to his paws, but once he did Virgil saw what he was hiding.

"Remy SunLight how dare you not tell me!" Virgil screeched, startling everyone so much that they jumped.

"Wh-what?" Remy asked, shaking his head.

"That I'm gonna be an uncle!" Virgil cried with joy, running over to Emile.

"Oh, yeah. Well it didn't really come up till now gurl," said Remy as he watched his little brother practically buzz with excitement.

"Do you know how many? How long till they're here? What names have you picked out? Can I name one?" Virgil spewed out questions, bouncing on his paws as Emile laughed.

"Virgil calm down. The pups won't be here for another week or so and yeah we have been thinking of names, but if you want to name one then that's okay," Emile said, his amber eyes warm with love.

"This is amazing! I'm gonna be an uncle! Lo! Lo! I gonna be an uncle!" Virgil squealed, running over to his lover, still bouncing.

"So I heard. Good for you Virgil," Logan said with a sweet smile.

"We're all happy for you," Patton yapped, flashing a grin at Virgil.

Virgil continued to be ecstatic though the rest of the meeting where they explained how Virgil met them all and why Arron was following them. Afterwards they left with Virgil still grinning like a doofus, but then he remembered he had to meet up with Thomas.

"Hey Lo, I gotta talk to my friend Thomas, wanna come along?" Virgil said to his companion.

"Of course Virgil, lead the way," smiled Logan.

Virgil led them back to the large and bright healer's den where Thomas was waiting. He lifted his head when he heard them enter and offered them a small smile.

"Thomas this is Logan, Logan this is Thomas," Virgil introduced.

"Pleasure to meet you," Logan said.

"Same here," Thomas replied, "Now Virgil I have something serious to tell you. I'm not sure you'll like it and neither will Logan."

"It's okay Thomas. I think can handle it. Just say it," assured Virgil.

"Virgil your pregnant with pups and they're Arron's," Thomas said causing both of them to freeze and the lighthearted atmosphere to shatter.

So Emile's expecting pups. Y'all can comment some names down below if you want to because I need names. I'm not telling y'all how many there are or their genders so I suggest both gender names or gender neutral. I'd like a good amount so I can have more names to pick from, so if you have an idea comment it please. I need names

 I need names

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