The Black Dahlia Rises

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Trigger Warning: swearing, talks about murder and death, a dead body, implied death

Virgil started down at Arron's corpse as he panted, his legs shaking with the shock that he actually killed him. Virgil, the wolf who thought about murdering him the most finally killed Arron. He'll never bother him again. It was almost surreal.

By then Remy had made his way over to Emile while the rest when to check on Patton.

"I'm not done just yet," Virgil thought as he grabbed Arron's scruff and became hauling him out of the den.

"Virgil what are you doing?" Remy asked.

"I'm taking him back to the StarBlaze Kingdom to break the news and crown the new ruler. I'll be back by tomorrow," he answered, stumbling out of the den and to the courtyard.

Once there he found both Joan and Talyn panting as they had followed after them, but had to get Yoogie to safety first.

"Glad your both here. I need you two to accompany me to the StarBlaze Kingdom. Could you carry him for him?" Virgil said as the two soldiers looked up.

"Holy fuck! What happen?" Joan said, looking at the huge flesh wound still leaking blood.

"Karma. Now let's go," Virgil shrugged, passing the body over to Joan and Talyn then walking out of the courtyard.

The small party traveled relatively quickly, arriving at the StarBlaze Kingdom just before evening. Once in the capital city every citizen stopped what they were doing to stare as their leader's body was carried through the street. Virgil could have mistaken, but he thought he saw joy in some of the wolves's eyes and might've heard a small cheer from some.

Virgil, Talyn, Joan, and Arron's corpse all walked (Arron's body being carried/dragged) into the palace where the black king immediately found the wolf he was looking for. On the tiny throne gifted to her by her now deceased brother sat Dahlia with her iconic black gown and veil on. Virgil took Arron from Talyn and Joan the dropped him at her paws, the she-wolf looking down at her brother.

"You knew this would happen," Virgil said.

"Of course. He was a dumb jackass that only deserved the worst. I take it you were the one to do this," whispered Dahlia, her dandelion eyes shining through the black fabric.

"Who else's would. This means you're the new ruler as he never sired any pups with his mate," Virgil said.

Dahlia smiled and shook the veil off, revealing her lovely young face.

"It's about fucking time," she said, at normal volume, and stood up.

Virgil watched her step off her throne and disappear into one of the dens.

"Your highness-" Joan started.

"Joan I've known you and Talyn my whole life. You can just call me Virgil, we're friends after all," Virgil interrupted casting a friendly smile to the two wolves.

Joan and Talyn shared a glance before smiling back at him.

"So Virgil, do you know what she's doing," Talyn asked.

"I can only assume she's getting ready to announce Arron's death and her new queenship," Virgil answered.

Sure enough Dahlia came out a minute later, no longer in her black attire, but sporting a beautiful necklace with a black dahlia flower charm hanging on the silver chain along with a lovely silver and white crown with clear quartz crystals woven into it. She smiled warmly at the wolves before her before grabbing Arron's scruff and dragging him up to the meeting rocks. Letting out a soft, almost sing-song calling howl the black, silver, and white female waited for her kingdom to gather for her news. Once everyone arrived she began.

"I, with a not-so-heavy heart, am here to announce the murder and death of our not-so-beloved King Arron. He was killed by KingVirgil, no doubt threatening him again which is why I've called you all here today. I, Duchess Dahlia of the StarBlaze Kingdom, younger sister of King Arron, daughter of King Apache and Queen Deianira, hereby take up the rulership of the kingdom," Dahlia spoke.

It was silent for a second before the crowd bursted into cheers, the kingdom clearly sharing Virgil's opinions on Arron.

"Wait! King Arron was a noble king! Why must we take orders from the likes of you?!" a loud-mouthed wolf shouted, pushing through the crowd with several other wolves behind him.

Literally every wolf in the crowd stared at them with an "are you serious, you absolute morons" expression on their face. Dahlia however held a neutral, almost devious expression as she looked down.

"Ah yes, of course you would not agree with this ex-captain Theo," the new queen sighed, rolling her yellow eyes, "Well I thank you and your posse for volunteering. I will now show this queendom what happens when you show support for former tyrant Arron."

Dahlia flicked her tail and the loyal guards were quick to apprehend the opposers. While Virgil, Joan, and Talyn didn't stick around to find out their punishment, all retiring for the evening in the guest's den, they could only imagine the cause of the wolves' screams.

If you thought I was ending the story then you're wrong! I've still got three to five chapters left until this book is over then I can start working on my project I talked about a few chapters back. Ya know, I think this book with be my first completed on this account once the time comes. That's gonna be cool.

Another thing, do y'all like Dahlia, cause I think she's pretty great. Yet no one seems to be talking about her. Granted she hasn't appeared often, but still. Do y'all like Dahlia?

Also I'm gonna need some more pup names for not so secret reasons as you might guess the reason, but I need some more pup names. No it's not for Emile's and Remy's pups. Y'all're gonna find out which names I picked next chapter.

Dahlia's crown and necklace

Dahlia's crown and necklace

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