Bit by Bit, Piece by Piece

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Trigger Warnings: swearing, ambiguity

P.S. the beginning of this chapter will probably just be exposition and not dialogue. I'm lazy and want to get to the fun part. It's also kinda long

Anxiety ended staying even longer than any of them planned, one day turning into two, two days turning into a week, a week quadrupling to a month. Over time they all got to know Anxiety a bit more, though he still seemed guarded about his past. Even though they all got comfortable with this new wolf the one who get closest to him was undeniably Logan, who unfortunately caught feelings for this wolf, despite only knowing him for a month. The grey wolf always spoke of how it was foolish to fall in love in such a short amount of time, but, as Roman once put it, "Love knows no bounds and can't be restraint worth shit."

It was a nice morning, the air cool and crisp, giving way to spring with its gentle breezes, young offspring, and beautiful flowers. The wolves were waking up and relaxing in their home clearing, all laying, stretching and rolling about to wake themselves up.

"So Anxiety-" Patton started, but the black wolf cut him off.


"What?" asked Patton.

"My name is Virgil. I trust you all enough to know it now," the black wolf explained.

"Well Virgil what're you gonna do today?" Patton asked, rolling from his back onto his stomach.

"Dunno. What about you guys?" Virgil said.

"Janus and I are gonna go look at the forest now that spring is coming," the small white wolf said, springing to his paws and hurriedly shoving his brother to the forest.

"Well Roman and I will probably stay here, but I'm not sure about nerdy wolverine over there," Remus decided, looking at them upside down and laying on his back, paws in the air.

"Logan?" Virgil looked over at the dark grey wolf.

"I might go hunting. Do you wish to accompany me?" Logan replied.

"Sure," the black wolf shrugged, heaving himself to his paws.

The two then started walking through the forest, but neither were really intent on finding prey. They were too busy caught up in their own thoughts.

"Hey Logan, you okay? You look a little sick," Virgil asked.

"Well I'm afraid I did catch something," mumbled Logan.

"What?" questioned Virgil, his grey eyes bright.

Logan stopped and looked the other wolf dead in the eyes.

"Feelings," he said with the upmost seriousness.

Virgil paused for a second before cracking a smile that made Logan's heart go pitter-patter.

"Virgil I'm afraid I've caught feelings for you," Logan admitted.

"That's a relief," sighed Virgil with a chuckle, "because I caught feelings for you too."

Logan looked at Virgil with hope in his deep blue eyes.

"Really? Then would you possibly be interested in exploring a relationship together?" Logan asked, hope swelling in his chest.

Virgil bounced on his paws, his tail wagging as he nodded.

"Yes! Yes please!" cried Virgil, a dopey grin on his muzzle.

"Excellent, well since we haven't really been hunting do you wish to return?" commented Logan.

"Sure, why not," Virgil said and the two started back to camp, their bodies pressed against one another and cheeks brushing.

They arrived at camp, but froze when they saw seven other wolves there, four of them holding their friends down while two others were searching the clearing. One however was sitting proudly in the center, smirking down at the wolves who were being push harder into the dirt. Logan felt Virgil freeze and stiffen as he saw the wolf, his breath becoming ragged and uneven. However he quickly managed to calm himself down before raising his head and tail high then marching right into the clearing.

"Arron, what might you be doing on the outskirts of your kingdom?" Virgil demanded, his voice almost unrecognizable with the amount of distain in it.

The wolf sitting whipped his head around and laying eyes of Virgil. His muzzle twisted into a sick grin as he rose to his large paws.

"Virgil my dear did you really think you could run away from me? I thought you would've learned better after the last eighteen times you've tried. And fraternizing with wolves a low as these, my love you truly have out done yourself this time," the wolf, Arron, mused.

"Your quarrel is with me and me only Arron. Let them go. As your mate I have the power to call off your wolves as well," snapped Virgil, his fur bushing up with fury.

Logan felt his heart metaphorically sink as he heard what Virgil said. Virgil already had a mate? Was Logan just a side lover? Or did Virgil truly love him and this wolf was forcing him into a relationship he never wanted? Logan guessed the latter based on body language alone.

Arron's muzzle twitched and he circled Virgil, dragging his tail under neath the black wolf's chin. He then shoved Virgil, knocking the smaller wolf to the ground.

"Hey!" Logan shouted, stepping forwards until he felt something grab his scruff and shove him to his paws.

Logan spit dirt out of his mouth before looking back, seeing the large grey wolf pinning Virgil underneath him an a less than innocent way. This wolf was murmuring things in Virgil's ear and the black wolf seemed to break at every word, guilt, shame, pain, and utter worthlessness clouding his beautiful stormy grey eyes.

"If I go with you, will you leave them alone?" Virgil very deflatedly asked the wolf above him.

Arron simply laughed in his face, sharp white teeth barely missing Virgil's black nose.

"Of course not, but your coming whether you like it or not. I own you Virgil, you gave yourself to me to protect your brother and now you have to live it me. This was your choice. They're coming too to be punished for stealing you," this wolf laughed, an unsettling look covering his golden eyes.

The grey wolf then looked up at the others who had them all pinned.

"Round em' up then head out. Our king has returned," barked Arron.

The followers obliged and pushed them all to their feet, shoving the, out of the clearing and into the forest. Logan looked back at Virgil one last time to see the black wolf pushing himself to his paws, crystal clear tears dripping down his cheeks. Virgil looked over at him and mouthed two words.

"I'm sorry."

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