Bad Times With Reality

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Cub's POV


"Scar...?" I muttered, standing up. That was a mistake, because my feet slipped out from under me and I went tumbling down the pyramid.

I quickly got to my feet, embarrassed and confused. Really, I didn't know how to feel. This was definitely Scar- of that I could be sure.

What I couldn't be sure of was why or how he was here standing in front of me, looking cute as ever. Meanwhile, I was brushing sand off my pants with shaky hands as I stared disbelievingly at him. 

I'd finally done it- I'd gone insane, and now I was hallucinating.

Scar scrunched up his face, a smile playing at his lips. "Ouch. Are you okay?"

I nodded, trying to figure out how the heck he was here.

Before I could ask any of the burning questions popping up in my head, he continued. "Sorry, I wouldn't interrupt your conversation with..." He trailed off as he looked around, suddenly realizing there was no one there but the two of us. 

His gaze landed back on me, a puzzled look on his face. "Uh, anyway, I left my food at home and you're the first person I came across, so..."

"Um, yeah..." I paused, my mind overridden with confused fragments of thoughts that I was struggling to sort out. Maybe it was just me going crazy, but Scar wasn't acting like he recognized me. Had he forgotten about me?

If that was true and he didn't remember me, that would be much worse than if he was gone. I hoped he had found a way back and was just messing with me. Yeah, that was probably it. It had to be.

Scar waved a hand in front of my eyes. "You in there?"

I snapped out of my thoughts. "Yes. Sorry. Come in."

Once inside my pyramid, I handed him a couple carrots and he looked around, crunching loudly. Not that he could help it- it was a carrot, after all. "Nice place you got here! Very bright floor," He commented, staring at the orange patterned floor, eyes wide.

I was going to ask if he liked it, but there were more pressing questions I needed answers to. "Scar, do you remember me?" I asked desperately.

He searched my face, his eyebrows knit together in concentration. "No... should I?"

I felt my heart shatter as he spoke those words. 

I smiled and shook my head. "I suppose not! Sorry, must have gotten you confused with somebody else," I said, chuckling as if laughing at my own silly mistake. 

He gave me a weird look that I had trouble identifying the meaning of- then, pointing his carrot at me, said, "You know, you so kindly gave me carrots, and I don't even know your name yet."

"Oh... I'm Cub. And I assume you're Scar?" I asked, trying not to reveal the fact that my heart was currently breaking into a million pieces. 

He nodded. 

Scar paused, the only sound being the thoughtful crunching of a carrot. "Sorry, I just realized how confused you must be," He said suddenly, as if just realizing that he was here, and not... wherever he was from.

I raised my eyebrows and nodded, prompting for him to explain. 

He sighed, clearly tired from his trip- whatever that was- then began his story. "I come from a parallel universe of this one."

Great, now I was even more lost. 

"Evil X seemed really determined to get here for some reason and sent me and RenBob through first as test subjects, I assume. I suppose he thought I was disposable since I die so much anyway," Scar said, trying to sound casual, although I'd known him long enough to know he was bothered by that.

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