Not So Plan Plans

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Evil X's (~~Eggs'~~)  POV


So yeah... that didn't go as planned. 

I should have expected that Jevin never loved me... it was always Xisuma. Deep down, I knew it all along- I just couldn't make myself believe it. I didn't want to believe it. In a lot of ways, it was easier to live in blissful ignorance. 

And for a moment, I felt like I meant something to someone. 

Well, apparently not- and I was hardly surprised.

I was evil, after all. No one's supposed to love me! If only it worked the other way around. 

My original plan was to come back to Jevin, and do some evil shenanigans together. 

New plan: Who am I kidding? I didn't have a plan. Normally, I was pretty good at coming up with elaborate evil plans, but for some reason, I had little motivation to cause chaos. 

Was this heartbreak? Disgusting. 

Thanks a lot, Jevin! Jeez.

I searched around for a place to stay since it was clear Jevin would not be up to letting me stay with him. 

I flew past the Strait of Joebraltar in search of a good place to build my base. 

Before you ask- no, I am not leaving. And miss all the chaos? Never! 

No, I was going to stay here and watch everything descend into chaos. The best part? I didn't have to do anything!

Meanwhile, I could wallow in self pity! A perfect system, if you ask me. 

Well... there was one thing I could try. I'll get to that later- I already talked to Badtimes about it. 

I landed somewhere between Joe and Doc's/Bdubs' bases and wandered around in the trees. Yeah, I'm that totally-not-suspicious moving shape in your backyard.

Suddenly, I saw a red light flash in the corner of my visor screen. That's right, this suit got an upgrade!

Anyway, a message popped up next to the red light of impending doom. It read: "Get Back To Jevin Portal has malfunctioned"

Ugh, I really needed to change that name.

I expected that something was going to go wrong with the portal sometime. In fact, I counted on it. 

I needed some kind of entertainment during my stay, didn't I?

I gotta be honest- part of the reason I wasn't going to be returning to my dimension any time soon was because going through that portal could be a little... unreliable. Nothing to worry about if you don't go through it, of course!

I came out of the trees to see Doc's mansion on top of the hill ahead. 

Correction: it wasn't his mansion. He cheated and bought it from Grain. Very GOAT-like, Doc. 

I was surprised he didn't have any competition for it. It was a really nice mansion, and it meant he didn't have to build a base straight away. What a cheater!

I walked up to the mansion and walked around it- past the well kept lawn. 

About a mile behind Doc's mansion was a nice open area that looked perfect for an evil lair. 

I spawned in a castle just like the one I had in Hermitcraft 6. That's right- the invisible one above Xisuma's base. Only now, it wasn't invisible and it was on the ground, now that Xisuma was out of my way.  

And just like that- a new base (aka the ultimate flex)! Take that, Jevin. 

That loser was still building his base, only to tear bits down again and rebuild them. 

I wondered why he was doing that. He had god powers just like me. Why not use them?

Oh well, Jevin's poor decisions didn't concern me. (Unless that decision is to break up with me.) 

I, however, was perfectly satisfied with my gigantic gothic castle. 

I was officially back with a bang. 


Sorry about your glass dome, Jevin! Actually, on second thought... I'm not!

I got to work setting up my machines and computers in the basement, wiring and booting the computers up. 

It was time to watch some shenanigans go down. 

I wondered if Badtimes was following through on our plan. I watched him on one of my monitors to see if he was making any progress. 

Just as I expected, he was at Cub's mega pyramid. Cub was sitting on a chest, hard at work writing an article for the Hermiton Herald. 

Badtimes was cuddling a cat (which I could only assume he found in a village somewhere) and was rubbing the cat's head against Cub's cheek, a sweet smile on his face. 

Now, that was some good acting. Too good, maybe. 

Cub seemed to be warming up to the idea that his Scar was back. Well, maybe not his Scar, but maybe his soon-to-be Scar. It was only a matter of time before he realized that this Scar was no different than his original Scar. 

At the core, they were the same person. Much like me and Xisuma, as much as I hate to admit it. 

The only difference with them was that Badtimes never knew Cub. In our universe, Cub didn't exist. 

I'll leave it to you to figure out what kind of difference that would make. 

I watched Cub and Badtimes share wholesome cat moments, smiling to myself. 

Everything was going as planned- as long as Badtimes was acting. If he was genuinely falling for Cub, we might run into problems. 

If that happened, I might have to get involved, and I really didn't want to have to do that. I preferred working behind the scenes this time around. 

That wasn't the case, until Jevin decided to break up with me. He even dumped my tea into the ocean! 

The only thing I had the motivation for now, was to sit here in my god-control room and sulk. 

I blasted some music (I Belong to You by Caro Emerald) and paced around the room while I waited for my tea to steep. 

Here's some free relationship advice (other than detonating things, of course): If you are British, don't date an American. 

You're signing up for the Boston Tea Party, and man, that hurts. 

Evil X out! 

When It Comes To Love- A Hermitcraft Fanfiction (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now