Lamps and Portals

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Keralis' POV


Update on Bubbles and my on-the-run situation: Bubbles went to ask for the GOAT's forgiveness and presented dirt as an offering. 

That didn't go well, as you might imagine. 

Who knew what would happen to him? I, on the other hand, did it the correct way, so I could rest knowing the GOAT wouldn't be after me!

Atleast we didn't have to worry about hiding from Doc anymore, though. That had gotten exhausting really quick, mainly the part where I was stuck in a "hidden", "secret"  base with Bubbles for so long. 

Seriously... what kind of person stays up until 3am coming up with 101 different ways to make grilled cheese? Bubbles, apparently. 

And that's only one example of the many annoying things he did while we were stuck together. 

Just kidding, Bubbles! I love your face!

I'm sure he would have something to say about my swimsuit, my loud music, and my habitual door slamming.

Speaking of Bubbles, I heard from him a couple minutes ago saying he had to show me something. 

As tired as I was of the wild-haired man, I was actually really excited to visit him again. I missed you, Bubbles!

I wasted no time in going to meet him at his base. 

"Hey sweet face!" I greeted, walking into one of the gorgeous houses he was working on. He was installing a beautiful lamp above the dining room table, glowing in all it's blue, glassy glory. 

Bubbles just finished installing it and jumped off the table, stepping back to admire it. He seemed satisfied with it, then shifted his attention to me. "Wha- no! You're a sweet face!"

I laughed. "Aw, spank you, Bubbles!"

Am I blushing? No! Never!

"Anyway, Keralis, I found something you need to see!" Bdubs exclaimed excitedly. 

"Is it the lamp?"

"Actually, no, it's even better than that if you can believe it!"

"I can't," I replied with a chuckle. 

Bubbles eagerly opened the door and gestured for me to exit first. "Fine! I'll show you, and then you'll have to believe it."

We flew off to some mystery location, Bubbles leading the way. 

Eventually, we came to a beach and landed on the warm sand. 

At first, I didn't notice anything particularly special about the place, and began to think Bubbles just really liked beaches. Then, I saw a weird shimmer in the air right over the shoreline. 

"Isn't it cool?" Bubbles said walking up to it. "I'm pretty sure it's the portal that the alternate universe Ren came in from!"

I recalled the time when Bubbles and I were hiding in the booshes from Doc and witnessed an RV crash land in front of us. Horrifying and confusing times those were.

The portal shimmered and swirled in silver and white, with a hint of purple. It was easy to miss if you weren't looking for it, but it seemed the longer you stared at it, the more obvious it became. 

"So, how'd you find it?" I asked, gradually becoming more and more nervous as Bubbles moved closer to it. 

He stopped about a foot from the portal and turned to face me, shrugging. "I was just flying around and found it."

I laughed nervously, wishing he would step a little ways from the giant mass of ominous energy. "Not suspicious at all," I mumbled. 

"Come on, Keralis!" He called. "Let's go see what's on the other side! We could meet ourselves in a parallel universe- that would be soo cool, right?" 

"Wouldn't that cause a paradox or something?"

"Obviously nothing that dangerous would happen- Ren met Renbob and they're fine!" Bubbles pointed out. 

"Dude, it's literally a hole ripped in the universe. How reliable do you think that is?"

Bubbles sighed in disappointment. "I thought this was going to be a fun date night out, jumping between universes-"

"A date night?" I asked, surprised. "Isn't a date supposed to be at a fancy Italian restaurant or something? A bouncy castle, maybe?"

"No! This is much better!"

"Yeah, if jumping into the void is your idea of better date than a bouncy castle." 

Bubbles stepped away from the portal and made his way to me (thank goodness!). "Aw, Keralis, you're worried about me?"

I had to resist the urge to grab his arm and hold him in a restraint to make sure he stayed safe- away from that portal. 

Bubbles had a track record of getting himself into trouble- getting blown up at his boomers jobs, meeting an ugly end at the guillotine, and facing the wrath of Doc and the GOAT. 

Yeah, I'll admit it- I was worried about him. 

"Maybe..." I mumbled. "But do you really have to be this reckless, Bubbles?" 

"Yes! Yes I do! Life would be boring otherwise." 

"Are you saying bouncy castles are boring?"

"Of course not, but they can hardly compare to this!" he insisted, looking back longingly at the portal. 

I sighed. "I'm all for date night, but not if it involves that," I said, gesturing at the portal of obvious doom.

Why Bubbles was so eager to go into it, I had no idea. 

"Well, fine then! I'll go first, how about that?" He suggested, making his way back to the portal. "It'll be fine- I don't know what you're so worried about!" 

He was only a couple feet away from it now, and looked more than ready to make the next step into the swirling mass of energy. 

I tensed. "Bubbles-" 

"Come on, Keralis! I'll go first, and I'll see you on the other side!" He said, as if the case was closed. Date night was decided. 

He beamed at me, seemingly unaware of the panic I was in, and made the final step into the portal. 

I instinctively ran and tried grabbing his arm to pull him back... 

I stepped back from the portal, wondering why my heart was beating so fast. Why were my hands shaking? Why was I so tense? 

I felt something on my cheek and reached up to wipe it away. Was that a tear? I don't even k-now anymore. 

This portal to the alternate universe was weird, that much I knew. 

I stared transfixed at the portal for a minute. I had a weird feeling about it, but I couldn't explain it. 

Maybe it just gave off strange energy that was messing with me. 

I straightened out my construction worker vest and went back to my base to build more roads and other pointless things. Maybe it was pointless, but hey, it was fun, okay? Mmmkaaayy!

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