The Big Gay™

671 38 40

Keralis' POV


I was sleeping peacefully- before I heard loud banging noises from outside. I groaned and sat up, listening curiously to the obnoxiously loud explosion noises. I was instantly reminded of the war against Evil X that we had a short while ago. 

Reluctantly, I stood up, going over to the window to look out. I was surprised to see missiles flying through the air towards my beautiful city. Yep, this looked exactly like the war. 

I sighed. "Come on, I thought we were done with this!" I muttered to myself as I watched my builds get demolished in front of my (even more) widened eyes. 

The missiles didn't seem to be coming from any particular direction- just... the sky. 

I stepped out of the barrack I was sleeping in to see what was going on better. After all, I wasn't exactly safer inside. 

"Stiffy nipples batman," I remarked as I took in the sight of about 30 missiles headed straight at my base. 

Uh oh, I thought and sprinted to my underground starter base, hearing loud explosions all around me. 

So long, farewell, base, I thought as I got to relative safety from the missiles underground. I listened to the sounds of my base being obliterated to bits for a few seconds before I remembered. My llamas. My cats. (Meowww!) ...and Carlos. 

I sighed. As much as I disliked Carlos and how he was always in the way of my base expansions, I couldn't just let him die. I didn't need Beef to get even more mad at me than he already was!

Maybe it was a stupid idea, but I climbed out of my makeshift bunker and ran out to where Carlos was, dodging missiles as I went. 

Beef better not get angry with me now, I thought as I narrowly avoided being hit directly with a missle. It hit the ground so close to me that I was knocked to the ground violently. I covered my head with my arms, hearing and feeling debris rain down just behind me. 

Whew, that was close. 

I got up, quickly brushed dust off my clothes, and continued my quest to save Carlos. Yeah, this definitely was a stupid idea, but it was too late to give up now! 

Sorry, llamas. Sorry cats. (Meoowww!) I can't save everybody! 

I ran as fast as I could to Carlos, wondering why I was even doing this. I had been doing a lot of things lately that I couldn't explain. Maybe this was one of them. 

Finally, I made it to the water and swam over to Carlos' raft that I had built for him. Hopefully Carlos wasn't freaking out too much. I felt kinda bad. 

Just a little

I grabbed on to the side of the raft, pulling myself up and over the side. Yup, there was Carlos, looking extremely unbothered by the flying missiles and explosions all around. And to think- I was risking my life for this turtle who had no clue the danger he was in!

I sighed as I stood in the raft, looking down at the blissfully ignorant turtle. "Don't you worry, Carlos. Papa K is here!" I reassured him, not sure he needed any reassuring. If anything, I did. 

Carlos looked at me, looking very unimpressed. I sighed. "Fine, be that way," I said, chuckling a little as I picked up the turtle. I prepared to get off the raft, turtle safely in my arms, when a missile hit the edge of the raft. 

"No no no no no no!" I said as the raft tipped over, a huge part of it completely obliterated and singed. I felt like the fall was happening in slow motion, even though it was probably quite sudden and violent. 

When It Comes To Love- A Hermitcraft Fanfiction (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now