Nothing in Life Comes Easy

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      Seeing Rae leave was one of the hardest things that I've ever done in my whole life. That's my baby and to watch her leave was like watching  a part of my heart walk away.     

          It wasnt my plan to let Reagan see me cry but I just couldn't help it. I couldnt hold it in. I didnt want her to feel like she was hurting me. I was actually proud of her. She did her thing at the performance and deserved the privelege of working alongside the best. Its just that I didnt want us to be in two seperate places.    


          I had to pull over several times on the drive away from the airport because I couldnt get it together. I just couldnt wrap my mind around the fact that my fiancee was going across the country to work with some dude. I'm only tripping because this dude aint ugly. If dude looked like Young Thug then I'd be okay but Anthony don't look like Young Thug. And to top it all off, he a light skin.

        I have to stop thinking the worst though. I have faith in my girl. She's been riding for me and I doubt that she would stop for somebody that she doesn’t even know.

         After I finally pulled myself together, I decided to go visit Terrell. He's the second closest person to Reagan so I know he could sympathize with me. And plus I didnt want to go home and be alone. I might move back in  with my momma for these three weeks.

        I pulled into the driveway of the apartment complex where he stayed and parked my car. I made sure to lock my car because in all honesty, he didn't live in a safe neighborhood.

          I knocked on the door of his apartment and waited for him to answer. The door was finally opened and I was greeted by Terrell and my goddaughter, Talene. Terrell and Charlene created a beautiful child but, their relationship didn't last. In actuality she disappeared once she gave birth to Talene. Strange enough, Terrell didn't go looking for her. He was content with being a single father at the age of seventeen. He felt that she didnt need to be around his daughter if she didnt want to be. I give him props because that was a heck of a task with his parents kicking him out but, he did it though. He held it down.

"Wassup, baby girl!" I greeted her, picking her up and kissing her on the cheek.

"Hey Cousin Ricky!" she said, kissing me on the cheek.

"Man, put her down. She too big for that."  Terrell said to me. I put her down and dapped him up.

"Leelee go straighten up that room like I told you to." he instructed her. She went and did exactly what he said with no talk back. She was a good little girl.

"Wassup, dawg? What brings you to my neck of the woods?" he asked me as I took a seat on his couch and he sat in the recliner.

"My girl left this morning, man." I said.

"Ohhh that's right. When she coming back?" he asked me.

"Three weeks." I said.

"Maaaaaannn, dawg. That's a long time to be without your girl." He said.

"I know right. People aint understanding that." I told him, shaking my head.

"This time apart aint gon do nothing but make ya'll relationship stronger. Ya'll gon be alright." He told me. I nodded my head ib agreeance.

"Enough of my have you been doing?" I asked him.

"Ain't nothing changed over this way. Just taking care of my daughter and trying to finish school. My dad said once I finish up school he'll promote me to manager and well work on trying to open up another shop." He explained.

"Well look at you, dawg! You doing big things." I said with a chuckle. He laughed and shook his head.

"So when you gon bring my goddaughter down to the studio so she can start dancing?" I asked him.

"When I get money to pay for the lessons."he said.

"Come on, Terrell. You know I dont charge family."  I told him.

"Naw...naw...naw. I dont want no handouts. I wanna pay just like all your other patrons." He said.

"But thats-..." I started.

"No buts, man. I wanna do it the right way." he said, cutting me off.

"I can respect that." I said, deading the conversation.    

      After thinking about, I understood what he was saying. Nothing in life comes easy. You gotta work hard for what you want and work harder to keep it. Terrell had the work ethic. Its something to be admired


Hey Teetee! *waves* You all got to meet little Talene!! Tell me what you think!

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