So Stubborn....

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"Come on,ma. Let's go now!" I snapped.

"Boy, who do you think you're talking to? I am still and will forever be your mother. Now I said, I'm not going to the hospital and that's final." My mother spoke firmly.

    I shook my head and walked out of the room. I was angry and didnt want to say anything I would regret later. You never know when you're having your last conversation with someone. And in my mothers' state of health, that could be today or tomorrow to be completely honest.

     A year ago my mother was diagnosed with stage four colon cancer. I hate to even think about it. Having cancer automatically puts a time limit on your life. Its getting worse in the passing months and my mother is so stubborn. She'll be sick and wont say nothing. That's why we got into it just now.

    Her eyes are this strange yellow color and I found evidence that she's been coughing up blood. I did a little research and it seems like her cancer has spread; specifically to her liver. She really needs to go see her Oncologist but she wont go.

  Plain and simple, my mom is dying and I want to try to preserve her life as long as I can. My mom is all I have. I dont have any siblings, my dad died before I was born and I dont have a girlfriend.  Imma be a lonely soul. Its a pretty scary thought.

  That's why I hate that I messed things up with Reagan. She was my everything. She always had my back and knew just what to say when I needed to hear it. She was my rock and I needed her right now. Its been a year and I still want her. I cant get over it. I guess thats why im still single.

  No chick and I mean no chick can measure up to Rae. I wont settle for less so I guess I'll be single for the rest of my life.

  I do need to let Reagan know about my mom. Maybe she can convince her to go to the doctor, my mother adores Rae.

"Mom, I'm about to go! I'll bring some food by later." I informed her.

"Ok! I'll see you later. Momma loves you." She called out.

"I love you too, ma." I replied to her before heading out the door to my car.

   I drove toward Joyful Temptations. Rae changed her number so I had no way of getting in contact with her. I had no communication with anyone in the Banks-Jackson family since Rae and I broke up so I was a little hesitant about going to Ms.Joy's bakery.

   I sat in the car for a few minutes before I finally mustered up enough courage to walk into the bakery.

"Cousin Ricky!!!" I heard a little voice say as soon as I entered the building. It was none other than my goddaughter Talene.

"Hey, baby girl!" I said with a smile as I picked her up and hugged her. She had gotten a little taller since I last saw her.

"Where have you been? You forgot about me?" She asked me with a pout.

"Never, baby girl. I've just been really busy." I explained to her.

"Ok, I forgive you." She said with a smile.

" your Auntie Joy around?" I asked her.

"No but Cousin Rae is. Let me go get her." She said, running off before I could stop her.

  I wasn't expecting to see Rae today. I ran my hands over my waves and straightened out my clothes. I was getting nervous by the second.

"Hey, Im sorry for the wait. What can I get for you today?" Rae rushed in putting on her apron, not noticing me there.

   I smirked as she shuffled around. She was so gorgeous. When she finally looked up at me she froze.

"Ricky?" She asked.

"How are you, Ms. Jackson?" I asked her.

"I-I'm good. How are you?" She said, unconsciously  fixing her hair and adjusting her apron.

"I'm fine. ..well no not really. Can we talk for a minute Rae?" I asked her.

She contemplated before  answering, "Sure. Why not?"

  We took a seat at a little table by the window.

"What 's going on Ricky?"she asked me.

"Momma is sick." I told her.

"What do you mean? Sick like the flu?" She asked.

"She has colon cancer....and its spreading."
I explained.

"Dont tell me that, Ricky." She said, shaking her head as tears ran down her face.
Where is this gonna lead? Predictions! Comments!

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