Chapter 4

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Chapter 4 

I sat at the kitchen table, eating dinner. Outside the rain was pouring down. I daydreamed about the lunch I had with Aaron a few days ago when Julie came in with a big smile on her face.  “And what are you so happy about? I asked her. “I’ve got some plans for tonight, nothing special” she said, trying to hide that she was smiling even more.

I laughed. I had never seen her so glad and nervous at the same time. My phone buzzed, it was Aaron texting me. We had been texting back and forward for days now. ‘Come over at my place tonight? Need some help.’ it said. I chuckled, in my head I could see the beautiful smile of his and hear his cute laughter. ‘I’ll be there at 7. Is that okay?’ I texted. ‘It’s perfect’ I got back.

Aaron’s POV
I had just got back from Cardiff when Jack called me, “hey mate, can you help me out tonight? I got a date, and no one can baby sit Archie” he said. “Sure” I said, and before I could say anything more Jack said “Great, I’ll bring him over at 6!” and then he hung up.

Adrianna’s POV
I couldn’t figure out what Aaron needed help with. It was hopelessly annoying and I hated it when people didn’t tell me things. I went up to his front door and pressed the door bell. No one opened it, then I heard Aaron from the inside “come on in” I opened the door. “We’re in the kitchen” Aaron said. I took my shoes of and my coat and went in to the kitchen seeing Aaron feeding Archie. “Hi” I said. He turned around and smiled when he saw me. “Hey beautiful” he said. I sat down next to Aaron, “so this is what you need me to help you with? I chuckled. “I was not born to be a babysitter Adrianna, I’m just helping out Jack because he had a plans tonight” he said giving Archie another spoon of baby food, but then Aaron looked another way for a second and Archie hit the spoon. There was baby food all over Aaron. I laughed, “I’ll take over and you can clean yourself up” I said, and Aaron didn’t argue about that before giving me the spoon.

Aaron’s POV
What should I have done without her I thought to myself walking towards the bathroom. I felt the bumps of baby food on my cheek. I looked at the mirror, cleaning of the baby food with water. I went into the bedroom, changing t-shirt. I heard Adrianna’s laughter from the living room; she was playing with Archie on the coach. I sat down next to them. “So when is he going to sleep?” she asked. I took out a piece of paper from my pocket, “ehhm, Archie sleeps from 7-7” he said, and looked at his watch it said: 07.45.

Adrianna’s POV

Aaron freaked out and started mumbling, I grabbed his arm softly. “Relax, look at him, his not even tired. It’s okay” I said. Aaron calmed down. Archieyawned. “Okay, now you’re tired” I said to Archie. I chuckled. We went to the bathroom. We passed the bedroom where I saw there was a travel baby cribnext to the bed. Aaron and I changed Archie’s diaper and put the Arsenal pajamas on him. We brushed his two front teeth, and then Aaron put him to bed with his Arsenal teddy bear. Archie Jack Wilshere fell asleep right away. I felt Aaron’s hand around my waist, he was leaning closer. “Thanks for the help, I couldn’t have done it without you” he whispered in my ear. “Yeah I know” I said looking up at him. Even in the dark I could see that he smiled. He leaned against me and I tipped on my toes,we met in a kiss.

We sneakedout of the bedroom, leaving the door a bit open so if Archie started to cry we would hear him. “So what have you been up to in Cardiff then?” I asked him, “Nothing much, because before I left I met this really cute girl and I couldn’t stop thinking about her” he said. I smiled and pushed him towards the couch. “So tell me, what did she look like?” I asked while getting on top of him. “She had these amazing blue eyes” he kissed me “and a beautiful smile that I’ll never forget” he kissed me again. I bit my lower lip, smiling. I kissed him while his hands stroke my thighs. They went further up, pulling me closer. We were interrupted by Archie crying. “I’ll take him” I said, kissing Aaron one more time before walking into the bedroom.

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