Chapter 7

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Chapter 7 

Adrianna’s POV

I got out of the car waving goodbye to Aaron. As I walked up the stairs to the auditorium I got strange looks from people. I decided to myself that they didn’t mean anything and kept walking. “Hi” I said to Charlotte while I sat down next to here. She was a tall blonde girl, with curly hair and blue eyes. If you should guess where she was from everyone would say Scandinavia. And that’s right; she was from Sweden so I could talk Norwegian to her. We had become great friends after just a month into the school year.

She turned her head, looking surprised. “Adrianna, hi” Charlotte said smiling. “Why didn’t you tell me about Aaron?” she asked. How could she know about me and Aaron? Neither Julie nor Jack knew her, in fact anyone that knew about me and Aaron didn’t knew Charlotte at all. “What are you talking about?” I pretended not know what she was talking about, after all Aaron and I weren’t official until that Friday night.

“You’re seeing Aaron Ramsey? The footballer at Arsenal” she said. Her face told me that she wanted to know everything. I took a deep breath. “Okay, yes I’m seeing him. But how did you know?” I asked her. “There was this picture of you two in the sun this weekend. You were at the club Friday night?” I was shocked and apparently my face said so because Charlotte laughed. So that’s why I got all these strange looks from people today, they recognized me as Aaron Ramsey’s new girl. “So tell me everything” she said asking. But I was saved by the bell, the class started.

I got into the car. Aaron looked as handsome as always, I smiled. “So how was your day at school?” he asked, kissing me. “Except that everyone knows about me seeing a footballer at Arsenal, great!” I said. Aaron laughed. Why are you laughing? It’s not that funny. Now I got a whole bunch of people, which I don’t know, calling me their friend.” “Don’t think about it, everything is going to be fine. We’re going through this together” Aaron said. I smiled when he said together. I still hadn’t adapted to the fact that we were boyfriend and girlfriend now. I shook the thought away and looked at him. “So where are we going for lunch?” I asked Aaron. “Since the letter said it was your birthday I thought we could go to this place I love and then some shopping for you” Aaron said smiling.

“Aaron, if it’s just this then okay. You know that I don’t like all this attention.” “It’s just going to be this, I promise” he said before he started the car and drove off.

Julie hugged me tight as I got back to the apartment. “Happy birthday, finally 20!” she said. I mumbled a silent thank you before she looked at me. “So how was your day with Aaron?” Julie asked. “It was great! We ate pancakes in this cute café. Best I’ve ever tasted and then we went shopping.” I showed her all the bags I had in my hands. Julie smiled at me. “What?” “The day isn’t over yet Adrianna.” I sighed. I was planning on taking a long shower and relax the rest of the night. “What more?” I asked her. “Don’t be such a buzz kill. Aaron left me these tickets, so we’re going to Emirates tonight” she said giving me two tickets. I looked at them. It was two tickets to the Emirates in a VIP box and a pass to see the players after the game. A smile appeared on my face.

“And I got a gift for you” Julie said and started to mess around in her training bag. She pulled out a red bag with the Arsenal logo on. “Since you don’t have one.” It was wrapped in red paper with white ribbons around it. I opened it; it was an Arsenal home jersey. “Thank you so much Julie, it’s so kind of you” I said hugging her one more time. “Look at the back you moron.” I looked at the back of the jersey. Ramsey 16 it said. “When you’re dating a footballer you need to wear his name and number. That’s a rule.” I laughed. “A rule made by who?” it was quite obvious that the rule was made my Julie because she was standing there smiling like an idiot.

Aaron’s POV
“Why are you smiling like that?” Gibbo asked when I entered the conference room. I thought about Adrianna and how happy she was today, but I wasn’t aware of the fact that I was walking around smiling like a boy that was in love for the first time. “He probably got laid this morning” Jack said and laughed. “You wished you got laid this morning” I said back to Jack, while sitting down next to him. Jack was about to say something but he just sat there with his mouth open. “Haven’t got a good comeback now little Jack?” Gibbo said patting Jack’s back.

Adrianna’s POV
Julie and I parked the car and walked towards the VIP entrance. “Where is Archie?” I asked her. “He is with that bitch Lauren.” “That bitch?” I said laughing. “Yes, bitch. She only cares about Archie when she can have Jack’s money, and when Archie is with Jack and me she’s out partying.” Julie’s mood went from happy to angry in seconds. “Oh, I didn’t know that” I said, thinking that I should never have asked about that. Julie waved her arm, “Just forget about all that. It’s your day and we should be happy. Now let’s go see our boys play.”

I ran down the hall towards Aaron. I jumped on him and we kissed. “I’m glad to see you to cariad” he said. “That was a beautiful goal Aaron.” I heard Jack mumbling something about lovebirds to Julie. Aaron put me down and I looked at Jack. “What did you say?” “No, nothing” he said laughing and showing off his dimples.

I said my goodbyes to Julie and told her that I stayed with Aaron tonight. “See you tomorrow then? If you aren’t busy if you know what I mean.” she chuckled. I pointed my tongue at her and turned around to Aaron again, he grabbed my hand as we walked towards his car. “Did you have a great birthday?” I stopped and looked at him. He looked back at me with his beautiful brown eyes. “It was the best birthday I’ve ever had, thank you so much” I said kissing him. “Anything for you” he stroked his hand through my hair, and down my back. I let my hands go around his neck, and kissed him again. Aaron’s hands went further down and onto my bum. I let out a little laugh. “What? I like your bum” he said smiling. “And I like your smile” I said kissing him one more time.

Julie’s POV
“So Aaron and Adrianna are doing okay?” Jack asked as I sat into the passenger seat. “I think so, I haven’t talked to Aaron but Adrianna seems happy.” “You should have seen Aaron earlier today; he’s so in love that you can see it on his face when you ask him about Adrianna.” I laughed. “But enough about them, I need to talk with you about something.” “Shoot.” I took a deep breath and sat more comfortable in the seat. “I think I’m pregnant Jack.”

Adrianna’s POV
Aaron closed the door behind me and pushed me against it. The tension between us had built up since we were at the parking lot at Emirates. He kissed me, and I felt his hands around my waist beneath the jersey. “You got this today?” “It was a gift from Julie, you like it?” “It looks good on you, but now I think we should take it off.” I laughed, Aaron’s cute smile appeared on his face and I kissed him.

He lifted me up over his shoulder and walked towards the bedroom. “Aaron, I can walk” I laughed “Not fast enough.” He put me down when we got to the bedroom. Aaron took my jersey off showing off my black lace lingerie while I unbuckled his pants. “I want you so badly” he whispered into my ear. My hands went through his hair and down on his neck, kissing him. Aaron took off his shirt and threw it away. I stopped for a second looking at Aaron’s chest, his muscles were clearly marked and I couldn’t help it. I stroke my hands over his chest. “Adrianna, you alright?” Aaron chuckled. I looked up at him seeing him smiling. “Yes, it’s just that I knew you had muscles, but not like this.” He started talking but I laid one finger on his mouth. “Shh, enough talking” I said before dragging him towards the bed.

He got on top of me and started kissing me on the neck; I let out a little moan. He unhooked my bra, removing it and touching my breasts. The feeling off his hands against my skin gave me goose bumps. Aaron’s kisses down my stomach were gentle and loving. He continued to caress my body before he pulled my jeans down my legs until they were off. I pulled him up for a kiss; this kiss was nothing like I had shared with him before. It was passionate. Aaron removed the black panties I was wearing, and I felt him entering me.  Aaron’s thrusting against me sent shockwaves of pleasure through my body and my moans got louder. I felt his breathing in my neck and he called my name.

The speed increased and we were now on the same pace, moving my hips together with Aaron. My thoughts were consumed of how good it was that for a second I forgot where I was. I felt Aaron building up, and so was I. My nails clawed onto the sheets as he came and I followed. He collapsed on top of me and finished it with the most sensual kiss I had ever had. 

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