Chapter 3

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Chapter 3 

Julie’s POV
I sat at the kitchen table. The training started 08.30 and Emma Byrne was going to pick me up. I ate up my oat meal when I noticed Adrianna’s cell on the kitchen counter. I got up and grabbed it, pressed some buttons and left it there again. I smiled, like no one had ever touched it I thought to myself.

Adrianna’s POV
I got up early for my morning jog. I had already found the clothes the night before. I went in to the kitchen, the clock said 08.55. Julie must have gone to practice already. I skipped breakfast and grabbed my phone before going out. I started running around the block and into the park. I was interrupted by my phone. My pulse was so high I was gasping from air when I stopped by a tree in the park.

The display said Prince of Wales is calling. I was confused, who was that? It took me so long to figuring it out that the call went to missed calls. It had to be Aaron Ramsey I thought, but how did he get my number? And how did I get his? Julie had something to with it, classic prank from Julie. I shoved my phone back in the pocket and starting jogging again, thinking the call could wait for later.

Tree minutes later my phone started buzzing again, I stopped again and looked at the display. Again it said that Prince of Wales was calling. “Hi” I said nervously trying to control my breaths to keep them low. “Adrianna? Hi, it’s Aaron” the soft and calm voice in the other end said. “So you’re the one trying to ruin my morning jog?” I said before he could say anything.

“Oh, I’m so sorry” he said. I could almost feel the bad guilt through the phone. “No no, it’s fine. I’m joking, nearly finished though” I said. He chuckled. “What’s up? I asked. “I was just wondering, ehhm, if you would like to have lunch, uhm, with me? He asked. I looked at my wristwatch, it said 09.37.

Aaron’s POV
I sat on the couch back at my place. I looked at my phone, the display showed the name Call her. It had to be Adrianna’s number, it couldn’t be someone else. After all it was Julie adding it to my contact list two days ago. I pressed the call button. “Hi, this is Adrianna’s phone. You know what to do after the beep. BEEP”. I hung up, it was definitely Adrianna’s number. That’s one thing for sure. I laughed by the voicemail. I remember that beautiful smile of her, like I had never seen before.

I picked up my phone again, calling on more time.

Adrianna’s POV
I got out of the shower. My long brownish slightly curled hair lying on the one shoulder. Lunch with Aaron Ramsey I thought to myself. I looked at the clock, 40 minutes. I went in to my bedroom. I had finally packed out all my clothes, and they were hanging there in my closet. But nothing to wear, nothing. I then decided to go casual. After all it was just lunch.

I got into the nice little café. Aaron sat in the corner next to the window. I went over and when he saw me his eyes light up and he smiled. “Hi” he said. “Hi, how are you?” I said while sitting down on the other side of the table. Before he could answer the waitress came over and asked what we would like to have.  “I’ll just have a salad, no dressing” I said to her. “The same for me” Aaron said, not taking his eyes of me. “Do I have something on my face or anything?” I asked. His brown eyes blinked. “No, it’s just that I like the way you have you hair down, you should have it more often. It suits you” he said smiling. I looked down mumbling thanks. He chuckled. I had never been good with compliments.

We sat there talking for an hour when my phone started buzzing in my purse. I looked at the text I got from Julie. ‘Got tickets for the match today, meet me at our apartment at like soon? Also, I need to talk to you’ it said. ‘I’ll be there as soon as I can’ I answered. “I’m so sorry, I got to go home. Julie needs me.” I said to Aaron. “It’s okay, I’ll take you” he said paying the bill and took his jacket on. “I’ll pay you back as soon as I can” I said. “No, this is on me” he said smiling, grabbing my hand walking out of the café. 

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