Chapter 9

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Chapter 9 

Aaron’s POV

The sudden movement in bed woke me up and I saw a shadow running out of the bedroom.  Seconds later I heard someone throwing up in the bathroom. I got out of bed as fast as I could. The chills ran through my body as I felt the cold floor under my feet. Adrianna had her head over the toilet seat as I entered the bathroom. “Adrianna, are you okay?” I asked as I kneeled down beside her. She looked at me. I removed the hair from her face. You could see the dark rings around her eyes and her cheekbones more marked than before. “I’m fine, completely fine. Can’t you see?” she laughed. I smiled, always so sarcastic I thought as I held back her hair as she vomited. I caressed her back, stroking my hand up and down. “I’ll get you some water, I’ll be right back.” “Don’t worry about me, I won’t go anywhere” I heard her laugh as I left the bathroom.

A minute later I was back with a bottle of water. Adrianna sat on the floor against the bathroom wall. “Here” I said giving her the bottle. “Thanks.” I sat down next to her. The silence filled the room as she drank the water. “How are you feeling?” “I’m fine. I think it probably just was the Chinese food we ate last night.” “Then you’re not having Chinese again” I said and she laughed. The cute laugh that I couldn’t get enough off. I kissed her forehead as she rested her head on my shoulder.

“Aaron?” “Yes, what is it?” “We have been together for, what is it, nearly six months now?” “Yeah, something like that. What about it?” “Well, these past months have been great and all that, but there is one thing that’s going through my mind over and over all the time.” The look on her face was dead serious. “And what’s that?” She closed her eyes and took a deep breath before she opened them again. “One part of your tattoo.” “Wait, what? I thought you were going to say something serious now.” “But it is serious, I don’t understand what the letters are and it’s annoying me.” “You’re such a kid sometimes, you know that?” I said which made her laugh even more. “So what is it?” “It’s a line from the bible in welsh.”

“I see. And that’s a castle?” she asked pointing at the castle on my leg. “It’s the castle from Caerphilly.”  Her blue eyes looked up at me. “Would it be weird if I asked if we could go visit it?” I looked at my watch and then at Adrianna, who had this confused look on her face. “It’s 04.30 so guess we need some sleep first.” “I didn’t mean like right now silly.” “I know you didn’t, but I didn’t joke about the sleep.”

Adrianna’s POV
I sat my hair up in a dun and turned around to Aaron. “I’ll see you after the match tonight?”­he asked. “Yes, of course” I kissed him and grabbed the car keys. “Julie, I need to borrow your car for an hour.” Julie came out into the hall. “But I need it in like 30 minutes.” “Aaron can give you a ride” I turned around to Aaron. “Can you?” “Yeah sure I can.” I kissed him one more time before I headed out the door.

I got to the airport 30 minutes later. It had been six months since last time I was here but it only felt like weeks. The plane must have arrived because it was crowded with people in the arrival hall. I reached for my phone in the pocket only to realize that I had left it at home. Great, so now I have to find Camilla in this mess without having the chance to call her I thought. Lucky as I had been lately I saw a girl standing at the end of a stair with two suitcases in front of her. Her hair was blonde and it didn’t go further than to her shoulders. It was her. I walked over and within a few meters she noticed me to. “Camilla. Hi! It’s so good to see you” I said while giving her a hug. “It’s so good to see you too. How are you?” “I’m fine, how are you?” “I’m fine. Why didn’t you tell me that you’re dating a footballer?” “Wait, how did you know?” “Norwegian tabloid found out about that night you went out with a footballer on a club some weeks ago.” “Oh, yes I remember that.” “It’s just a rumor so nothing is confirmed.” “Well, I’ll tell you about that night another time. We just stop by my apartment and then we go visit your school, is that okay?” I asked Camilla as we walked out of the airport. “That sounds great, but tell me more about this footballer.” she said smiling. I told Camilla the story of how Julie introduced me to Aaron and who he was driving back to the apartment.

“So where does Aaron play on the pitch?” she asked as we went up the stairs to the apartment. “He plays together with Jack on the midfield, if you know where that is.” I laughed knowing that Camilla had never ever been a football fan. “That’s rude Adrianna. I know a bit about football you know back in Norway I have a boyfriend and he plays football for a reserve team or something. So I know where the midfield is.” “You think you know everything about football since you know where the midfield is?” I teased her. “Adrianna, stop it. I know football.” “Sure you do.” I said to her opening the door to Julie’s bedroom. “Julie told me that you could use her bed this weekend. She’s staying with Jack and Archie at Jack’s place.” “That’s okay.” “I’ll go fresh up a bit, and then we’ll be going. Just make yourself at home.”

“You and Julie are like the midfield wags” Camilla said as we walked out the door. I had never thought about it like that before. The midfield wags. What if the newspaper started calling us that?

Julie’s POV
“COYG, come here.” “Julie, stop calling him COYG his name is Archie.” “I know, but I want to call him that.” “He’ll be all confused about what his name is when he gets older.” “Can we rename him to Archie COYG Jack Wilshere?” Jack laughed. “You don’t think I’m serious? I would name my son that.” “Julie. He is your son, don’t deny it. One day he’ll be calling you mum and you’ll be proud of your son.” My eyes filled up with tears and Jack hugged me. “I really love him.” “And he loves you too.”

Adrianna’s POV
We walked down the stairs to the players’ lounge. “Are you sure it’s okay Julie?” Camilla asked. “Okay, I play for this club. I’m allowed to go everywhere anytime.” Julie laughed. We continued to the right and down the hall. “Are you ready to meet the players Camilla?” Camilla grinned. Julie opened the door to the lounge and a group of players turned around facing us. Aaron and Jack came towards us. “Aaron and Jack, this is Camilla.” They both shook her hand. Camilla didn’t say anything.

“Nice to meet you” Aaron said putting his hand around my waist. Even with my high heels on he still was taller than me and I reached his shoulders. “Sorry about my friend, she’s a bit shy around new people.” “I’m sure you’re not like this when you get to know them a little bit better Camilla” Julie said. Camilla smiled and nodded her head. “Want to meet some of the other players?” Jack asked and before Camilla had the chance to say anything Jack already had called over some of the players.

Kieran Gibbs and Wojciech Szczesny came over and said hi to Camilla. This time Camilla replied with a simple hi but nothing more. I bumped her shoulder. “Don’t be so shy, they don’t bite” I whispered to her. “More Norwegians coming over to steal our players?” Woj joked and we all laughed. We stood there talking for 40 minutes before we decided to go. “We’ll meet you guys at that pub later?” Kieran asked us when we were on our way down the corridor. “Yes, see you there tonight mate” Aaron said, grabbing my hand and starting to walk.

Julie’s POV
We walked out onto the parking lot outside of the Emirates. It looked like Camilla and Wojciech had become great friends as he opened the door for her at the car. Camilla waved as she got inside and I waved back. I stopped on the passenger side of Jack’s car. Adrianna and Aaron walked out of the door, hand in hand close to each other. They both smiled and laughed. “Are you okay Julie?” Jack asked. “Yes, I’m fine” I said as I got inside his car. Even though Jack was the best boyfriend I ever possible could have, I still envied Adrianna for her relationship with Aaron. No baby, no dogs, no serious attachments just fun.  Jack broke the silence. “Have you told Adrianna about moving out?” “I’ll tell her later. It’s just that I think the apartment is too big for her, so thinking about her living there alone is kind of scary.” “I can help you talk to her if you want to.” “No, I have to do this alone.”

Adrianna’s POV
“What are you doing this Christmas?” Aaron asked. He rested his chin on the top of my head and his arms around my waist. “I thought about climbing Mount Everest. What about you?” I said opening the door to his apartment. “You’re so funny” he said with a sarcastic tone. “Okay. I’m probably just going to spend it here in London. Why do you ask?” He closed the door after him and looked at me. “My mum was wondering if you would be joining us for Christmas in Wales.” My eyes filled up with tears and I tried to hide them. “Adrianna, are you crying?” he turned me around and looked at me. “No, or maybe. It’s just that Christmas has been rough these last years for me and the thought of me spending it with your family. I’m sure your family is lovely and all that.” “If you don’t want to, I’m sure we can spend it here just the two of us together.” “No, I don’t want you not to be with your family. I’ll be happy to join you and your family.” he wiped away a tear and kissed me. “I’ll make sure this will be the best Christmas you’ll ever have.”

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