Chapter 5

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Chapter 5 

Aaron’s POV
“Thanks a lot mate” Jack said sitting down next me. I looked at him confused. “What are you talking about?”  “Thanks to you and your pancake trick, Julie also wants me to write cute things on pancakes” he said. I couldn’t help it but laugh. Theo sat down on the other side of me. “What’s so funny?  Theo asked. “Jack’s just pissed at me because I know how to make my girl happy and he doesn’t.” I said laughing. “Oh just shut up” Jack said picking up a net of footballs and leaving the locker room.

Theo was still there. “So you got a girl going on? Who is she?” “It’s Adrianna, Julie’s friend from Norway. She was at Jack’s place when we played fifa. You remember?” I said, not even knowing I was smiling. “Yeah, I remember her. Let us meet her again then! Bring here to the club tonight.” Theo said patting my shoulder. We left the locker room and entered the pitch to train.

Adrianna’s POV
“The school is great, though all the tasks we have to do.” I said walking along Julie and the stroller with Archie in. “That’s so good. I can’t believe you have been here for a month already. The time has gone by so fast.” she stopped to fix the blanket around Archie. “But how are you and Aaron doing? When are you two going to be a couple?” she asked. “I don’t know. I’ve known him for a month or so. We have only been on a few dates.” I said looking at her. My phone buzzed, I smiled. “It’s Aaron, isn’t it?” Julie asked. I looked at her, smiling.

”Hi!” Julie screamed when we got back to Jack’s apartment. “Hi babe!” we heard Jack scream from the living room. When we came into the living room Jack and Aaron sat there playing fifa. They stopped the game, Jack demanding to take Archie from Julie. Aaron smiled at me, my heart skipped a beat. I had never been with him around friends. “For god’ sake, act like you’re together or something” Julie said to me in Norwegian. I went over to him and hugged him tight, like I always did when I met him.

Aaron’s POV
we went to Jack’s apartment after the training. Julie and Adrianna were out walking with Archie. “I’ll show you how to play fifa” he said turning the play station on. “After that loss against Adrianna a month ago, you better” I said. Adrianna hadn’t stopped joking about it. We sat on the sofa focusing on the game. He showed me all tricks and gave me some tips but the only thing that was on my mind was Adrianna, the beautiful smile and the cute laughter.

Adrianna’s POV
Julie and I had decided to make dinner for all five of us at Jack’s place and she had left me in charge of stirring the pasta sauce. She knew me to well already to know that I couldn’t handle more than one pot at a time.

I stood by the kitchen counter stirring the pasta sauce when I felt his arms around my waist.  Aaron kissed my cheek and down the neck. “I’ve missed you, you know” he whispered. “I’ve missed you to”. I turned around to kiss him properly. The strokes – last nite came on the radio. “I love that song” I said, turning the radio up. “You like the strokes?” he asked smiling. “There is much you don’t know about me” I said looking at him. “Like what?” he kissed me again. “Like, ehhm, that my name is Åse Adrianna” I said laughing. “Really?” he said. “That’s so cute even though I can’t pronounce it”. “No one can, that’s why I’m using Adrianna” I laughed.

We all sat by the kitchen table eating pasta and talking. Aaron touched my thigh, and looked at me smiling. Julie looked at me with a why-aren’t-you-guys-together look on her face. Jack didn’t notice it, he was too busy feeding Archie and talk baby language with him. Julie broke the silence. “So you two are going to the club tonight?”

Later, back at me and Julie’s apartment. “Can I wear this?” I asked Julie as I walked into her bedroom. I hat put on a black strop less dress that stopped at the middle of my thigh, almost too short. “You look great, but you can’t wear those shoes” she said pointing at my black pumps. She walked over to her closet, going through some boxes. “Here, borrow these” she said handing over some cute red pumps. I tried them on, they fitted perfectly. Julie looked at me. “I don’t think it’s just Aaron that is going to hit on you tonight” she said laughing.

Aaron’s POV
I got out of the car and walked up the stairs in the apartment building. I rang the door bell to Julie and Adrianna’s apartment. She opened the door and I was paralyzed. Adrianna had her curled long dark brown hair down, natural makeup which pointed out her clear blue eyes. She wore a black dress which stopped at her thighs, almost too short. “I take that as a ‘you look great’” she laughed. “You do” I said. I got into the hall while she stuffed all her things into a purse. It was funny the way she cursed in Norwegian when she found out that she couldn’t have it all with her.  She looked at me and started walking towards the door. I stood still. “So are you ready to go?” she asked. “Yes, I just need to ask you something first” I said still a bit paralyzed by her beauty. “And what is it that you wanted to ask me?” she said leaning against me and kissing me.”I want to ask you about us, and our relationship. And it’s just that, ehhm, I really want you to be my girlfriend” I said looking at her, waiting for an answer. “And I really want you to be my boyfriend.”

Adrianna’s POV
“Aaron! Aaron” Who is she?” the paparazzi shouted when we walked towards the club. The flashes from their cameras blinded me, but Aaron held around my waist. “Sorry about that” he whispered to me when we got inside the club. I waved my arm that it was okay, still blinded by the flashes. We walked over to his teammates, Jack and Julie was already there. He held my hand when he introduced me to the lads as his girlfriend. Julie looked at me, smiling. We sat down next to Julie and Jack, Aaron was busy talking with Wojciech Szczesny, Arsenal’s goalkeeper. “So how long have you two been boyfriend and girlfriend?” Jack asked. I looked at Aaron’s watch. “About 40 minutes” I said laughing. “Doing well so far then” he chuckled.

Aaron turned around to me. “I’ll get us something to drink” he said, kissing me. I forgot I was among people and deepened the kiss a little bit longer. When he left I turned around to Julie again who looked at me with a dumb smile on her face.”You couldn’t kiss him any longer could you?” she said laughing. I stuck my tongue out at her, smiling.

Aaron’s POV
I went over to the bar with Woj. “How long have you known Adrianna?” he asked with his Polish English accent. “About a month or so” I said before telling the bartender the order. “Wow Azza, 
you have moved fast forward with this relationship” “Yeah, I know. But there is something special with her. She kind of, ehhm, complete me if you know what I mean?” I said while looking over at the table where Adrianna were. I could see her smiling and laughing with Julie. “When did you become so soft?” Woj laughed. “But congrats mate, she’s fit.”

Adrianna’s POV
Aaron locked up the door and we got inside his apartment. “Adrianna, you’re drunk” he said. “No, I’m not” I said, almost falling on my high heels. “You need some sleep” he said holding his arms around my waist. “Then come sleep with me” I whispered in his ear, I dragged him by his tie and into the bedroom.

I woke up with a headache. I sat up in bed, my little black dress crumbled on a chair and one of Julie’s lovely red pumps beneath it. I then noticed I was just in my underwear. “Oh Adrianna, what have you done?” I said out loud slowly lying down on the bed again closing my eyes.

“Hey, how are you feeling?” the Welsh accent asked sitting down on the bed. I opened one eye to look who it was. Aaron sat there smiling, with a glass of water. I sat up and folded the duvet around me. “Not bad” I said with a sarcastic tone. “Here” he said, handing over a glass of water. While drinking it he took a lock of my hair and put it behind my ear. I kissed him. I pulled away quickly, looking at him. He had a little bruise beneath his left eye. “What happened to you?” I asked him, having the feeling it was my fault. “Nothing special, everything is okay.”  I tried to remember what happened last night, but it was all black. “No, tell me” I said, grabbing his arm. “Okay, I’ll tell you.”

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