Chapter 6

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Chapter 6 

Adrianna’s POV
Aaron took a deep breath. “You take a shower, and I’ll make you some lunch? Then we’ll talk” he said. He kissed me on the forehead before leaving the bedroom. I sat in bed confused and tired. My phone was on the floor. I picked it up, five missed calls and four messages. All of them were from Julie. I looked at the last one. ‘Sweetie, how are you feeling? Call me as soon as you can.’

The cold water poured over my body. I rubbed my face trying to get rid of the makeup that was left from last night. As I was grabbing the shampoo I noticed the bruises on my arm. All kinds of thoughts ran through my head. Even the worst ones. I got out of the shower, grabbing a towel around my body and walked into the bedroom again.

Aaron’s sweatpants were obviously too big too big for me as they slid down my hips for every step I took. When I entered the kitchen the smell of pancakes hit me. It reminded me of Sunday mornings back home in Norway. “Feeling any better?” Aaron asked. “A bit”, my head was still pounding and my body still wanted to sleep. I sat down at the kitchen table when Aaron brought over a pancake with strawberry jam on. “My favorite, thank you” I said to him, while he sat down next to me.

Aaron’s POV
Adrianna didn’t look good. The beautiful smile of her was gone. I could see she tried to hide the bruises on her arm, they weren’t that clear but if you knew they were there you could see them. “So what do you remember from last night?” I asked her while she took the last bite of her pancake. She looked at me. “I remember us having a good time with the lads and us dancing. But nothing after that, it’s all black” she said. “So you don’t remember a guy coming up to you and offering you a drink?”

Julies’ POV
I sat in the sofa drinking some tea watching Jack play with Archie. “Do you think she is fine?” I asked. The concern in my voice was clear. Jack looked at me. “Julie” he took a deep breath. “Relax love. I’m sure she’s fine. Aaron is taking care of her” he said. “But…” Jack cut me off, “But if you would like to we can visit them later.” He said, smiling.

Adrianna’s POV
Aaron sat close to me. “I don’t know how to tell you” he said. “Just start with the beginning.” Aaron took a deep breath. “It all started when you had one drink too much. And I was going to get our coats when this guy came up to you.” I cut him off. “Who was he?” “I don’t know some tall guy with blonde hair.” Aaron put his head in his hands. “Aaron” I said. He looked up at me. “I should never have left you there alone. You were drunk. Jack and Julie had gone 20 minutes before, it’s my entire fault.” “Aaron, just tell me.” He licked his lips. I could see his brown eyes were tearing up. “The guy put something in your drink and before I could get back to you. You had swallowed the whole thing.”

Aaron’s POV
“Aaron, it’s all right” she said, kissing me softly. “No, it isn’t. I should never have left you there. And then I approached him and asked him what he had given you and he said nothing. I was so angry at him for lying that I punched him in the face.” Adrianna cut me off again. “And he punched you back, that’s how you got the bruise?” “Yes” I said looking down, before looking up at Adrianna again. ”And I think I broke his nose too, because we met him at the hospital later.” Adrianna’s blue eyes got bigger. “The hospital?” she asked. “Yes. I took you there after the club. I thought you were a sleep, but you didn’t wake up. I grabbed you so tight in the arm, but you still didn’t wake up.” I looked at her arm, I stroke over her bruise. “I’m so sorry.”

“On our way to the hospital you started mumbling in Norwegian. So I called Julie, and she told that she would meet us at the hospital. When we got there Jack waited with me while they did different test on you. Julie stayed with you.”

Julie’s POV
“When can we go?” I asked Jack. I had just got back from a run and was standing in the kitchen door. He looked at me. “First of all, you need to take a shower, then we’ll eat and then I’ll call Aaron. Or you could just call Adrianna.” He turned around to Archie again and fed him with another spoon of baby food.

Adrianna’s POV
“Adrianna, you were drugged” Aaron said. I couldn’t believe what I just had heard. Aaron held my hands, they were so soft but in the same time cold. “It’s alright Aaron. I’m fine, your fine” I said to him. I kissed him. It was a different kiss, it wasn’t the normal kiss, something was changed but in a good way.

The rain poured down outside which didn’t helped my mood at all. The head ache had given up but my body was still tired and aching. I laid on the sofa watching sky sports on the TV. “Aaron?” I asked him. Aaron popped his head out from the bathroom. “What is it?” he asked. “Can you do something for me? Go to my apartment and pick up some things for me?” “Of course cariad, I’ll just get some clothes on first” he said, smiling before he went into the bedroom again.

Aaron got back 45 minutes later. I met him in the hall. “Thank you so much” I said, kissing him. His hair was straight down and wet because of the heavy rain. “I didn’t know which of these magazines you wanted so I just brought all of them, and here is the package” he said, handing over a stack of magazines and a brown package. “Who is it from?” he asked. “Just a friend of mine back in Norway and we got some visitors; The Wilshere’s” I said to him before I started walking towards the living room.

I left the stack of magazines on the floor next to the sofa thinking that I would read them later. I sat down next to Julie in the sofa with the package. “Aaron, can you grab me a scissor?” I asked him and he went off into the kitchen. Archie sat on Julie’s lap, she was playing with him and Archie had the cutest laugh ever. I smile appeared on my face. When I’ll have a baby, I want him or her to be as cute as Archie I thought to myself.

Aaron got back with the scissor and sat down next to me. Jack tried to take Archie from Julie.”No, today he’s mine” she said smiling. Jack sat back in sofa, sulking. “Now, are you going to open the package or not?” Julie asked me. Aaron gave me the scissor and I start to cut off the tape. “You’re friend packed it really well” Jack joked.

I opened the box and looked at what my friend Sarah had sent to me. The box was flooded with polystyrene balls. “I’ll take that one” Julie said grabbing after the Norwegian chocolate bar. I dug deeper into the box and found a DVD, a tour guide of London and two CD’s. Two months away from Norway and I miss home this much already I thought. Aaron put his arm around my waist, just like he could read my mind. At the bottom of the box it was a letter, I picked it up. It was one page long and was handwritten.

Aaron’s POV
“Come on Adrianna, let me read it” I said to her. Jack, Julie and Archie had left an hour ago and we sat in the sofa ready to watch The Bourne Identity. “No, it’s private.” “But Julie was allowed” I looked at her. “Don’t do that face, you know I can’t say no to you then.” “Yeah, I know” I said, starting to tickle her.”Aaron! Stop it” she laughed. “Will you let me read it then? Please.” “Okay okay. If you stop tickling me” she said. Adrianna picked up the letter from her purse and handed it over to me. She hesitated before letting go of the letter. I read through it. “Why didn’t you tell me?” I asked her. “Because I don’t like the attention” “Nah, we’ll see about that” I said kissing her.

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