Chapter 10

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Chapter 10 

Aaron’s POV
I tapped my fingers on the steering wheel. Where is she? I snapped out of my mind when Kieran opened a bottle of water next to me. “Are you sure it was now you where supposed to pick her up?” Kieran asked. “Yes, her class end around twelve o’clock and then it takes her ten minutes to get out.” “Try calling her then mate” Kieran said. “I’ve already tried once, she didn’t answer.” I looked towards the school across the road. The rain made it all blurry but I always recognized Adrianna when she came down the stairs. The rain poured down, perfect Christmas weather I thought to myself. I grabbed my phone and tried calling Julie. “Calling her one more time?” Kieran asked. “No, Julie.”

“Hey” Julie said in the other end. “Do you know where Adrianna is?” “Yes, she’s right here beside me.” “Can I talk to her?”  “Yes of course” was all I could hear before the phone just said beep. I looked at the phone. “What is it?” Kieran asked. “Julie hung up on me when I asked if could talk to Adrianna” I said and Kieran laughed. “Maybe it’s a Norwegian thing?” he said laughing even more. “It better be” I said and drove off. A minute later my phone rang and I asked Gibbo if he could answer it. I could hear Adrianna’s voice as she talked to Kieran. “Julie didn’t hang up the phone, she dropped it and then the battery fell under the sofa” he explained to me which made me laugh. “Ask her why she didn’t go to the Uni today” I asked and Kieran asked the same question to Adrianna. “She said she didn’t feel well, nausea or something.” “What was up with Adrianna? She had been ill all week.

Adrianna’s POV

The living room of the apartment was full of Julie’s stuff and moving boxes. “I never thought you would move in with him so soon” I said. Julie took a break from the packing and looked at me. “Jack and I have been together for a long time. We’re just taking the relationship one step higher.” “So in the end there’ll be a wedding?” I asked grinning.  “I think you and Aaron will be married before me and Jack” she said laughing and at the same time I was going to answer her Julie’s phone rang. She moved around some boxes and found her phone. “Hey” she said. “Who is it Julie?” I waved my arms in front of her but she ignored me. “Yes, she’s right here beside me.” I sat there with a question on my face. It was obviously someone I knew. She was about to hand it over to be when she dropped it on the floor and the phone broke in pieces. “Julie, you’re so clumsy.” “I blame that box” she said pointing at a box on the floor. We both looked at each other laughing. “Anyways, who was it?” “Aaron, he was wondering where you where and why you didn’t answer your phone.” “He was supposed to pick me up after my classes today.”  “And you didn’t show up because you where in the bathroom hanging out with the toilet.” “Not funny Julie, not funny” I said pointing at her. I gathered all the pieces of the phone and put it back together.

“Aaron is coming over, is that okay?” I said giving back Julie her phone. “I don’t know why you ask, he’s been here ever since you started dating him.” “I was just thinking about all your stuff that is literally everywhere” I said looking around me. “It’s going to be really empty without you here Julie.” “But I won’t be that far away, and I guess you’ll be moving in with Aaron soon because of, yeah you know.” “Yeah, I guess, but I don’t know how to tell him.” ”You haven’t told him?” Julie looked shocked. ”You need to tell him” “But.” “No there are no buts. You have known for three days already which means that you should have told him at least two days ago.” “Every time I try to tell him we just get off track and talk about something else and I don’t know how to tell him either.” “Just tell him straight.” “Ok, I’ll tell him when he gets here now.” “Good and I’ll be right here if you need me.”

10 minutes later Aaron came into the living room. Julie and I was still busy packing her stuff into boxes. Aaron sat down next to me on the sofa. “How are you feeling? He said kissing me. “I’m fine.” “Are you sure? I don’t want to bring a girl that is sick to a Christmas party” he chuckled. “I’m fine. Trust me. Where is Kieran by the way?” “I dropped him off before I came here.”

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