Chapter 12

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Chapter 12 

“What’s that?” Aaron asked as he walked into the living room. “This is the last boxes of my stuff from Norway that Sarah sent me” I said pointing to all the boxes that had been delivered earlier this morning. He sat down next to me on the floor opening a box. I laughed when I saw the book he pulled out. “What is it?” “You just found the photo album from a football cup in Denmark a few years ago.” He opened the book and looked at all the pictures. “That’s Julie” I said pointing at a picture. “That’s Julie?” Aaron said and laughed. “How many jerseys is she wearing?” “I think it was fourteen or something.” “Fourteen?” Aaron looked surprised and laughed even more. “Has she always been so fond of Arsenal?” “She was born a gooner, well at least as long as I’ve known her.” He continued to look through the book before he jumped up and rushed out of the living room. “What is it?” I shouted after him.

“The training starts in 30 minutes.” “You’re going to training now? Isn’t that a bit early?” I asked him. “No, it’s the same as always.” I walked into the hall and waited for him. He rushed around the corners in our apartment picking up things. “You haven’t forgotten the appointment later today?” I asked him. “What appointment?” he asked surprised. “Aaron.” “Of course not, I’m just kidding. I’ll see you two later.” He said laying his hand on the bump on my stomach and kissing me before leaving.

As I closed the door behind him I caught a glimpse of the weather. The fresh air hit me and the sun warmed my skin. Spring was here, which meant it was five months left of the pregnancy. “Well baby, it’s just you and me again.” I said looking down on my stomach. It was becoming a habit now to talking to the baby, even though the baby hadn’t developed the ears properly yet. I walked back into the living room and continued to unpack my stuff.


The waiting room was silent. There were a bunch of baby magazines on the table in front of me. On the covers the mothers posed with babies and on others there were pictures of happy families. They made me think about me and Aaron. How was Aaron and I supposed to take care of a baby together? All we had done was babysit for Archie sometimes and now we were having a baby that needed care 24/7. “Who was it?” I asked Aaron as he sat down beside me after a phone call. “My mum. She just asked about how things were going and stuff and that she wanted to come here and help us when the baby is born.” “That’s great.” Aaron was about to say something but one of the secretaries called my name and we walked towards the secretary. “Room 16, down the hall and to the right” she said pointing down a hall. “Room 16, that’s good” I said and I could hear Aaron laughing behind me.

“So this is your first baby?” the doctor asked.  Aaron and I answered at the same time which made him laugh. “Well then .What we’re going to do is use this ultrasound head to check the baby’s anatomy, heartbeat and that’s everything is normal. It’s not dangerous for the baby in any way. Also if you would like to know the baby’s gender we can figure that out.” I looked at Aaron. “We decided to know the baby’s gender right?” “Yes” he said smiling. “Then let’s find out” the doctor said and applied the cold gel on my stomach. The gel was so cold it made me shiver but it was soon forgotten as I looked at the monitor to see what looked like a crossover between an alien and a human being.

“Is that a baby?” I asked curiously. I heard Aaron laugh as he reached for my hand. “It’s our baby Adrianna.” The doctor moved the ultrasound head around my stomach. “She’s active.” Aaron looked up at the doctor with a smile on his face. “She?” “Yes, it’s a girl.” Aaron turned around to me and just by looking at him I knew what he was thinking about. The last week he had been talking about the gender of the baby, if it was a girl it would be mini me and if it was a baby boy a mini him. Aaron was more excited than I was. “Looks like you’re happy with a baby girl Mr. Ramsey?” the doctor asked. Aaron sat there without saying anything. “It’s a miracle he haven’t chosen the name yet.” I joked and the doctor laughed. “Do you want to know her shoe size?” the doctor chuckled. “It’s 26 millimeters.” Aaron tried to measure it with his fingers. “Really, that small?” he asked holding his fingers up with a small gap. The doctor then proceeded by moving the equipment around to the other side of the stomach.

“Well let’s check the anatomy of this little girl” he said. The doctor zoomed in on the little head and her skeleton made her look like a ghost. “Here you see her forehead, nose and chin and now she’s hiding her face behind her hands.” “She’s cute” I said when she eventually moved her hands away you could see her face. “Is that the heart?” I asked him. The doctor confirmed it and turned on a switch. ‘Swosh swosh’. “That’s her heart beating.” I squeezed Aaron’s hand. Hearing her heart beat meant that she was real.

Aaron got impatient and asked the toughest question. “Is everything fine?” The doctor wiped away the gel and looked at us. “Everything is fine with her. You two got yourself a perfect little girl.” I looked over at Aaron. Seeing him smile made me happy. He helped me down from the bench and took my hand as we left the doctor’s office happily aware of that we were having a healthy baby girl.

“Excited about the photo?” I asked him as we got into our apartment.  “What do you mean?” “You’ve been smiling from one ear to another since you got the picture from the doctor.” “Am I not allowed to be happy for our little girl?” “Of course you can, or is it that you can’t wait to get to the locker room tomorrow and show her to the lads.” “Well.” He went silent for a second.”Yes.” Aaron walked into the kitchen and over to the fridge and it wasn’t until he turned to me again before I saw what he had done. Aaron had found a magnet and hung the picture on the fridge. Along with the pictures of the trips and events Aaron and I had attended together now hung an ultrasound picture. “It’s cute” I said and kissed him. He backed off from the kiss and looked down at me. “Do you think it’s too soon to think of baby names?” he said smiling. I laughed. “Haven’t you been thinking about that for a week already?” “Maybe” he said before he kissed me again.

“Can we have Italian tonight?” “Not Chinese?” he asked. “No” I was pulling my strict face. The thought of Chinese food brought me back to the first month I was pregnant. The smell of noodles made me nausea and unwell. “I’m joking. No more Chinese, ever.” “Bellissimo.” He looked at me strangely. “When did you start to speak Italian?” “I didn’t” I said laughing.

Aaron’s POV
I don’t get it. Why would he kill him? I thought they were best friends” Adrianna said complaining about Spartacus killing Varro in the TV series. “He had to because that boy told him to” I said pointing to a boy in a white toga that showed up on the screen. “Gibbo is your best friend and you wouldn’t kill him, would you?”She asked and Kieran laughed. “No I wouldn’t but you can’t compare us with them. They’re slaves and we’re footballers.” “But” she went silent for a second. “No forget it. It’s late so I’m taking the garbage out and then I’m going to bed” she said getting up, leaving me and Kieran in the living room. “Aaron, I almost forgot it. Is it a boy or a girl?” Kieran asked. “A girl.” I couldn’t help but smile when I said it. “So everything is going to be pink around here from now on?” “Adrianna is the interior designer so we’ll see what happens.” I chuckled.

We continued to watch Spartacus and was about to start another episode when the doorbell rang.I looked at my clock. Who would be ringing the doorbell at 22.30 at night? I got up and walked towards the door when someone started to slam on the door. “Mr. Ramsey!” Someone shouted before I opened it. The man three apartments to the left were we lived stood there. “Mr. Ramsey, your girlfriend just fell down the stairs. The ambulance is on its way.”

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