💕chapter twelfth💕

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Arthit's POV

" You love her.. don't you?" labdhi interrogated.

My eyes widened in alarm, how she got to Know. I never told this to anyone. I was now feeling uncomfortable in her intimate look. She was observing my face. I didn't say anything and avoided looking into her eyes.

" I know you adore her. I can recognise it clearly in your eyes. You had the exact glimpse in your eyes, you had back then Wherever you saw her. I had noticed it then and can see now too." Labdhi said and gave me another shock.

She had noticed me. I thought I was hiding my feelings well. How come she got to know all this about me?

" H.ho..how did you figured it out?" I stammered.

" I saw you follow her everywhere when you thought no one is watching. I saw the look, the shine in your eyes whenever your eyes were on her. I saw the rare smile on your face whenever she laughed. I was observing everything. You followed her into the library and sat just a few seats away from her and pretend to be reading but I saw to starring at her continuously. You fought for her in school when you were an introvert and always shy to even speak. I had analyst everything" she explained everything.

Now I was embarrassed. My face was all rosy. I hesitated to move my face upward. I was blushing hard after listening to all this.

" You don't need to feel embarrassed. That was not my intention. I never said anything to her directly but hinted at her. She was so innocent to understand my meaning. I didn't tell her because I thought you should be the one to told her. You could fight for her but couldn't show your heart to her. I know you still love her... Am I right" I questioned.

" Yes.. yes I love her. I love her so much that it hurts. It hurts to see her like this. I love her more than anyone in the world. She means to me more than my life. I am deeply, crazily, madly, deadly in love with my angel. She is my everything. The nine years I spend without seeing her felt like burning in fire. I love her so much that I can't even imagine my life without her." I told her with all my heart and soul.

" Then you have to save her Arthit. Only you can do that. Do this for your love.. your Shaena. please. " she said with tears in her eyes.

" Thank you for not telling her about my feelings. " I appreciated her generosity.

" Think nothing of it. Just bring our friend back to us" she said.

" I will. I so will do." I replied with confidence.


I was waiting in her room with her family and friends for her consciousness. My heart was racing so fast like running in a marathon. I was afraid. I was trying hard to get my heart in control.

She woke up with a shocked expression. Her mother went near to her and tried to get her to talk but no response. This time she didn't start shouting but stay calmed at the same time afraid to be touched. Uncle consoled aunty who was crying loudly.

" Uncle Aunty, I need to talk to her. Would you mind if I talk to her first? " I requested them.

They reluctantly agreed and nodded their head. Seeing her after nine years and in these circumstances made my eyes watering and throat dry. Tears welled up in my eyes but control them. For the sake of my angel..my Shaena...

I went near the bed and sat on the chair far from her. I provided her with full space. I was observing her every action and expression intensely.
She was not in her senses.

" Hi Shaena.. remember me .. Arthit. We met at school. I need to tell you something" and I told her about what happened that night softly. I used my words very carefully to not trigger her mind on flashbacks.

I explained to her about the reports and shoe even showed them to her. I needed to make her believe me. This is the very first step to her recovery from the post-traumatic stress disorder.

I don't know how much she was listening or understanding in this condition. She didn't move from her spot. After I was done, she closed her eyes and started to lay down on the bed.

After that, we all left the room so that she can get some rest.

Her parents, friends, and I were all standing in the corridor. Then his dad asked me.

" When will she get her senses back. What we can do for her. I will do anything but please save my daughter. " He requested very me politely.

" Don't worry uncle. She will be all right. She has to fight her fear and she needs you all the most now. We have to make sure that she realised what happened and her loved ones are always with her no matter what. She needs love, care, support, and understanding from all of us. All we need to do one thing. We need to show her that she is strong enough to make it through this." I encouraged them.

I will be there for you princess. I will do everything in my power to bring you to your old self. I promised myself and my angel.

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