💕chapter eighteen💕

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Shaena's POV

My eyes were closed and my heart rate was faster than normal. In his arms, I was feeling my heart's flutter. I have never experienced what I was feeling in that position ever in my entire life.

It felt unique. I was different.

I never hugged any boy. Let alone never even got close to one except a friendly handshake. But embracing Arthit felt right. We felt perfect.

First, I was so excited when he selected the dress and then the gorgeous saari. I lost my control and placed my arms around him in a friendly hug. A few seconds later I got to realise that it wasn't just a friendly embracing but it held much more meaning to me than that.

I was melting in his arms. I didn't want that moment to end. His muscular fragrance was all over me. I could feel his abnormal heartbeat.

A few moments later I came back to my senses. Then it hit me hard. Stepping backward I broke our hug.

Awkward silence, no one said anything for some time.

" Your highness, if your shopping is done then please think about this lackey too. I also need to show my presence at the wedding in something suitable." Arthit teased me with a sparkle in his eyes. It didn't take me so long to understand what he was trying to do.

" Of course.. let's go then," I replied still with pink cheeks and butterflies in the stomach.

Going to the gent's section, I was still trying to control these new persistent emotions I was feeling. Soft Melody was playing in the store when we get there. Fortunately or unfortunately, the music was a slow romantic song..one of my favorite ones.

Stay a little longer with me...( A Bollywood song )

As we went near the party wear section, I suddenly started searching for the blazer to avoid any eye contact with him.

He insisted on me selecting a perfect attire for him as a payback for his help with mine. I agreed as it is easy to decide on my own.

I came up with picking two blazers..one was velvety rich reddish-brown and another one was elegant royal blue.

" Try these two. I think they are perfect for the event" I jumped excitedly at my choice.

" You are right..they both are amazing" he replied with a smile and went to change in the trial room.

In the meantime, I decided to go through More choices. All blazers looked like they were made for one royal family. Soft, rich, and velvety.

Busy in my exploring I felt a presence behind me. Thinking it must be him, I turned around. But it wasn't him.

" Hello, ma'am. I am harish, I work at this place. May I help you with something?" A man in his late twenties said with a professional smile.

" No ..thank you... I was waiting for my friend " I replied with a polite smile.

Just like that, we started talking. He was a nice man with a good sense of humor. Busy in our conversation I didn't realise when Arthit came back. He called me to get my attention and I turned to look at him.

Wearing velvety and rich reddish brown blazer on. It made him look more handsome. The blazer fitted him like a glove.

When I moved my eyes from the blazer to his face, I came across a hard stone looking face. His eyes were blazing the fire and jawlines were visible. It made me confused now. When he went, he was smiling and now looked like he was ready to attract someone.

"Didn't you liked it?" Did I ask with a frown?

" No...I liked it. It's perfect...he is. ?" he replied but his expression wasn't normal.

" Oh .. this is Harish..he worked here " I answered his query.

" Ok..hii.I am Arthit" and they shook hands. " I need your help with something" then he said to me and excused us from there.

" What happened..why you looked angry back there" I inquired.

" It's nothing.. now tell me how am I looking." He excitedly asked me again.

" Honestly .. like a prince." I complimented him because it was true ." What about the other one?
" I asked about the other blazer.

" I will go and try it but you stay here. I don't want to seek you here and there again." He said or should I say ordered.

It was weird that he requested that. but anyhow I agreed and nodded my head in yes. Now standing outside the trial room I was waiting for him and just a few minutes passed and I heard a lock clicked and the door opened.
And comes out Arthit in a lavish royal blue Blazer.

" your mom is right. This color suits you well" I said to him with a naughty smile.

I saw him stiffed at his place. His eyes were wide and his face was shocked. I think his brain went numb at my comment. I know exactly what was going on within his head.

" You..you remembered." He stammering and that made me chuckle.

" Of course I remember. It was the first time I danced with a boy, how could I forget what we talked about. Besides that. .i have a sharp memory. It helped a lot." I responded with a chuckle.

And we started laughing together and paid for our attires. After that, we went to the cafeteria and had some snacks to eat, and talked endlessly.

It was the best time of the day for me.

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