2- Squad four: two losers and a legend

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The day had finally come, when Ash would become a genin, but the news of his parents' death kept rattling in his head. The class had started and students were being put into groups. Ash didn't care one bit, as who would he tell that he's now a genin.  ''Squad one: Ele Uch...'' blah, blah, blah. "Squad four: Ash Uchiha, Repah Hyuga, and Zed Otsutsuki". Suddenly, Ash and Zed stared at each other and were exchanging glances. "And I put Hayate Sarutobi in charge of that squad." said the hokage. After the class was over, Ash was heading home, when he overheard people talking about the Hokage being stupid for putting the three best clan's generations together. When he arrived, the rumor smacked his head, and he started crying again

The next day, he used his pocket money to buy a burger from his dad's favorite burger store, Daborgor. The class would start in an hour, so he decided to meet up with his team before the session. He found Zed and Repah chilling on the swings. Luckily, there was a free swing, so he decided to sit there.

"Hi. My name's Ash. I'm from the Uchiha clan"
I said, trying to make friends with at least someone.
"Well get lost, loser" replied someone behind me. "My name is Ele -UCHIHA- and I'm from the legendary Uchiha clan"
"I'm also from the Uchiha Clan" I replied
"How can a loser like you be from the Uchiha clan?" Ele shouted. "Show me your Sharingan, you punk"
"You see I haven't awakened..."
"Eh shut up bruh. No one cares anyway" he said, stopping me from talking any further.
"Hey. I'm Zed from the Otsutsuki clan and the other guy here is Repah Hyuga. Ele then walked away to a nearby store, but he switched lanes so I couldn't see him anymore. We started hanging out together and talked about missions. I then returned home and the rumor of my parents hit my mind again and was about to cry, but then I thought about Hokage Naruto who lived his life all alone since the start, and started following his footsteps

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