13- Start your Engines! Racing to Victory!

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Before the final test, there would be a battle to reduce the number of participants. The First battle was between Harbinger and a girl from the Nara Clan named ShikaShojo. The battle had started, and the first thing Harbinger did was activate his Byakugan. ShikaShojo then released her shadow to catch Harbinger, but he stopped the shadow's movements by hitting the trees' leaves with air palms which made the sun's light reach them.
ShikaShojo was pretty weak to be from the Nara Clan. She could barely control shadows.

"You're a disgrace, fake Nara" said Harbinger.

ShikaShojo lay in shock. She suddenly started burning up with anger. "First my siblings, then my parents, then my teachers, now my classmates!? I'll kill every single one of you! I'll kill your friends and your family! Ha ha! How does that feel!? Good right?" She exclaimed. Harbinger couldn't stand her words, so he quickly ran beside her and knocked her out. Before we knew it, the match was already over.

The next 2 rounds were of people we didn't know. Zed then had a match with a girl called Kireina. She was from the Haruno clan, which wasn't a very spectacular clan, but I respected it. Once the match had started, we noticed that Kireina couldn't use ninjutsu or genjutsu. It reminded me of Rock Lee of whom my dad used to talk a lot about. It was said that she was somehow related to him. Anyways, Zed struck her with his purple lightning, and surrounded himself with it too. Kireina tried punching through it, then kicking through it, but later stopped. She then tried attacking it from every angle, and once she came close, Zed released the shield, which made her go flying. She got up, and weaved some hand signs, which looked like... medical ninjitsu. She weaved the signs as a distraction and healed herself, but eventually, Zed blasted her away with Earth Wall Strike. The match was over. Now came the final match, Ash vs Midas.

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