22- The Eyes that have It

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Ele disappeared, and Levy had recharged his chakra, but I was nearly out.
I thought that I should retreat for now, but right when I was about to make my move, Zed showed up.
"Ash, you cheat" He grinned, but I refused to reply.
"Zed.... it's surprising a weakling like you could survive". Levy swung out a kunai and threw it towards me, running at Zed with a fist.
Zed dodged it, and activated his rinne-sharingan and Madara's Mangekyou.
"Ele was reanimated" I exclaimed
Levy kept trying to hit Zed with physical attacks
"Reanimated?" Replied Zed, struggling to dodge them
"He was brought back to life, and I fought him, but he's no longer here"
Levy hopped his way back, while Zed activated his susanoo.
I felt ominous chakra around me, and looking at Zed made me feel like trying to awaken my own.
"Let's go!" I screamed, hitting my hands together to form a Ram's hand-sign.
Red chakra started flowing around me, but it was darker than a Jinchuriki's Cloak. I could feel like I made a change:

 I could feel like I made a change:

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Levy looked shocked.
"Two susanoos? I might have to use my ultimate jutsu
Zed had a weird expression on his face. "Aha. I know why you couldn't activate your susanoo earlier. It seems that Kurama was extracted from you, because there can be no other reason for Repah to have Kyuubi's Cloak. The nine tails used to prevent you from releasing all of your chakra, which wouldn't let you activate it". I immediately realized what Levy was about to do. He made a clone, and both of them lifted their index and middle fingers up.

All four eyes sparked

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All four eyes sparked.
"Hyuga Style: Byakugan Palm Slash!"
Slashes of Air were shot towards us, and my susanoo protected me. Madara's Susanoo directed its swords towards the Air Slashes, and chopped them up, but a few seconds later, the Giant Blue Humanoid figure had disappeared (Madara's Susanoo is Blue)
A Slash had cut Zed's arm, and blood started flowing out like an open tap. Zed dropped to the floor, unconscious.
Another slash of Air was making its way to Zed, but I quickly body flicked in front of him, and my susanoo shielded the both of us.
I looked back, and saw him bleeding like hell. I had no choice but to fight for now, so I made a clone who'd protect Zed, and I ran after Levy myself. Once I flung my fist at him, he jumped up and ran into a bunker. I followed him, but he locked the door as soon as I nearly entered.

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