7- "Legends Die with a Smile"

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The next day, after the 'Ele' incident, people started to talk about war and suffering. Even the Hokage was placing shinobi in the front lines. I asked my friends if a war was about to start, and the answer was yes. A group of skilled rogue ninjas from the land of grass known as the "Blood-Seekers" were going to attack us. Later, when I was going to Daborgor, a few Jonin were after Ele. He was trying to run away. I didn't hesitate and followed them. Ele had gotten away and once I came near the Trash Site, he popped up behind the Dumpster. I asked him what was going on, and he said that it was nothing. He then told me to transform but I didn't listen. He transformed into me and hit my collar bone with Chidori. Blood starting falling off my arm, and I asked him why he did this. He tied me up and left. Slowly, the earth was fading from my eyes... and I fainted.
The next thing I remember that I woke up next to some trash. I was still injured. I got out of the trash and suddenly, I heard an explosion. The explosion was so intense that once I got out, I fell down. The Hokage faces were on fire and the Hokage mansion's pillars had been recked. I ran towards the medic team, but the doctors weren't there. I thought of going to the emergency building but Ele stopped me. He said that he has to talk. Thinking about my arm, I recklessly attacked him, and he let me punch his face. He then backed out. I ran towards him and tried kicking him, but he blocked my attack. He swung his leg a centimeter above the floor, but I jumped just in time and dodged his attack. He kicked me from the bottom and I went flying. I created two shadow clones mid-air and they threw me towards Ele. I created Rasengan and he created Chidori. "Eleyoun!" I screamed, which was his full name, "Ash!" He screamed. Our Justus nearly collided, when my shadow clone pulled me back and my other shadow clone used Rasengan on him. He went flying and hit my house's wall. He couldn't move. I went towards him and bent on my knees. I asked him why he was doing this. "A-A-Ash. You are ind-indeed a tr-true Uchiha. I am glad you were my f-friend *Cough*. I have been work-working w-w-with the Blood-d Seekers. I couldn't even be-become Ho-Ho-Hokage." He replied. Pulling out his eyes, he said "Take my e-eyes and pl-please bring our clan pr-pride. Once I d-die, combine them with your own... and un-unlock the Eter-eternal mangekyou Sharingan. Would you... become Hokage for me?" These were his last words. He died smiling. I felt like my eye swirled. I had awakened my Mangekyou Sharingan. Crying, I took his eyes and ran to the Emergency Building. Once I'd arrived the doctors were there, and I asked them to combine Ele's eyes with mine. Every doctor was busy with a patient, so I had to wait. I looked outside the building and saw the whole village being destroyed. I had never heard of the Blood Seekers before, and thinking of that, I remembered Ele's last wish... for me to become Hokage.

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